(604) revscene pre-meet!

I might come. Happy now?

Only if I get a chance to fix my exhaust though!

:rockon:Yeah vi is basically club integra now.
Cmon guys. This shouldn’t be like pulling teeth
Come out and see some damned cars

So i’m assuming that this is the Tim’s your’re talking about? http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=7380+Market+Crossing+Burnaby,+BC&hl=en&ll=49.198995,-122.980528&spn=0.00945,0.022724&sll=49.204294,-122.977824&sspn=0.009519,0.022724&vpsrc=6&z=16

are you rolling out by yourself man? maybe you should meet up with us on your way out :slight_smile:

That’s her, mon frare

Have some buddies to pick up along the way! We’ll just meet at tims!