abe bbq meet pictures

why embarrass yourself. yuck!


I love my car too dude. I also respect it. That isnt resepectable in any way, shape, or form. I’m not talking down to him, I’m being painfully realistic, Its beat. If you love it so much then take care of it and it will take care of you.

And i can talk shit on anyones thread…great thing about this forum. And a little thing called the 1st amendment. Hey if you don’t like what i have to say then don’t listen or respond to it, you just fuel the fire.
If he didnt care what i had to say, it wouldn’t bother him. But he obviously knows that his car looks like ass.
If you told me my car looked like shit then i wouldn’t care, cause i know it doesn’t.

hey :jerkoff: lets see some pics so we can decide what to think about yours