b17a smog


Looks like you don’t have Nox readings in your area. Like Schu and mav3rick478 said, CA now has this smog II check which includes the NOx reading. High compression increases the NOx ouput. Thanks for the info! Your setup looks similar to mines except I’m running the stage 1 cam.
Must pull really hard up top!

thanks again!

Its really nice from about 7000- 8800. Midrange also increased alot but right when vtec kicks in I’m still having fuel problems with the car running to rich. I think it might be the skunk2 program.

Hip…Hip…Hip??? heheh… :naughty:

pssst… (whispering) did you get it done yet??

Not yet, expect a call or a visit from me a burt soon :slight_smile:

Well, looks like the smog test is on hold for awhile. Believe it or not, my cam gears slipped and now I think I might have bent a connecting rod(s) and possible bent valves. The head is currently off the car and piston and valves don’t seem to show any damage. I will be taking the head in to check to see if I have any bent valves.

Does anybody know what might cause the crankshaft not to crank back to TDC (manually). I can only manage to crank piston 1 and 4 about half way before it stops and bounces back a little The gear slipped when I started the car, not when I was driving. I shut down immediately after I heard a “clack” sound. For that second or two after the “clack”, the engine sound like it was on 3 cylinders and barely idled. If I remember correctly, the oil light was on (not too sure). I hoping, at worst, bent rod(s) and nothing with the crankshaft itself

Sorry for the long post, I just can’t believe this sh-- happen. My setup was pretty much done and was going to have it re-dynoed after the smog test.
Please let me know if anybody knows what might be the problem with
the crankshaft and TDC.


Bum deal, keep us informed

damn, that really sucks, hope the damage isn’t too bad. :sad:

in any case you can pay your registration by mail without the smog so it isn’t late, i did that last time because my car failed smog and the registration was do, so i sent in the payment. they just don’t issue your new tags till the smog comes in. :naughty:

Thanks mav3rick478. That’s a good idea. I’ll keep you guys posted. Hopefully I will find out about the valves today.

thanks again!

1.7na…I’m sure is this is completely unrelated but I heard that same clacking sound out of my engine and it was all because of a pinched and cracked pcv hose…

I’ve got the same bottom end as you B17 with pct pistons, but for now my top end is completely stock…. Anyways I just barely passed smog the other day…. I was at 159 out of 160 on cruise HC……I’m soo lucky cause my car is totally untuned right now and in still in the break-in period (<200miles) (but yes I did have new plugs, wires, cap, rotor, fuel filter and fpr at 40psi)

Anyways how did you car run with the stock header, stock ecu, stock air box, stock cat, the reason I ask is cause I have some hesitation at about 3500 rpm and I’m not sure if I have to upgrade my fuel system or my ignition or my ecu……

Let me know and good luck….

P.S. sure am glad that we don’t have NOx here

Good news. Had the leakdown test done today and it was fine. As for the crank, I thought about it and just to double check I made sure the car wasn’t in gear and it was! (stupid stupid!!) I guess I must of moved the shifter into gear when I panic and heard the valvetrain noise. So everything checks out ok. I’m missing a small gasket for the oil control orfice so the head won’t be back on until tomorrow. I guess the noise I heard was basically the gear slipping but luckly there was no damage.

The car actually runs pretty strong with all the stock parts. Are you running a CAT? Sounds like maybe a bad cat and/or O2 sensor. Your HC number seems to be pretty high. How was your CO reading? I smogged my car two years ago and passed it without a problem (before NOx reading). I had a smiliar problem like yours a long time ago (hesitation at 4K) Turned out that my timing was off.

thanks again

Thanks for the insite… I do have a cat and it is about 2.5 years old and like you said it’s probably that or the o2 sensor cause it’s the orig. one with 200k+ miles on it… I’ve just been hesitant to change the sensor cause it’s never shown a code…

I’ll try the timing next… what did you set your timming at…

Mines was set at 14. I also didn’t get a chance to really tune the car as well. When I tried to run 16, the car would ping a little when going up a hill or in very hot weather. Doesn’t help that CA only has 91 octane gas.


if you are ever up in the northbay look for a “Redwood Oil Station”, well the main one here in Santa Rosa has 93 octane, so i’ve been told. i haven’t been there to check it out yet.


We just got our BAR sticker for california…luckilly we live in a county where they don’t have to test for nox or on the dyno…however we were talking to ref about it and he said that people are putting thicker head gaskets in to reduce the compression and they were passing nox…also i’ve been told that you can put octane booster in your gas and that will help with your nox.

as for adjusting the idle up…don’t do it or you’ll fail…like someone said california makes you have your idle at 700rpm +/- 50.

Also I don’t know where you are located but her in los banos, ca. we have race fuel 101 octane at the local 76 station.

Good luck :slight_smile:

sorry to bring this back from the dead but any progress 1.7NA?


I think I posted something awhile back ago (maybe on another topic). Anyway, yes, the car passed. The NOX reading was pretty close to the limit on the 15mph test but was ok on the 25mph test. The only thing is that when I put the head back on, I had to use a thicker headgaset (.54) since that was on the only thing I had around. Sorry, I wasn’t able to test with a stock headgasket. At least we have a good idea that you can pass smog with a 1.7 with CTR’s that’s running a C/R at about 11.0.
