djzachtyler, I don’t have an o2 sensor. Car is tuned on hondata s300 and has ran fine for over a year.
I thought I was the only one who has this problem! I too, do not know what’s causing this. But I have found a technique that has worked for me everytime.
Whenever this problem occurs, I always just pull my 10 amp ecu fuse in the engine bay main fuse box for 10 seconds. And when I plug it back in, it starts everytime. So next time this happens to you guys, just try resetting the ecu.
Pixie that means your ecu is going bad probably. yeah the shop text me last night and said they can’t get it to not start. I don’t know what I’m going to do now… lol
So I went to the shop to check on my car. I drove it around for 1 hr and it still wont die on me now. They drove a half a tank of gas out of it trying to make it not start. Seems like it’s running like a champ. So I drove it home last night and around and it’s still fine. If it doesn’t start again I’m going to see if fuel is getting to the fuel rail.
Yeah, that sounds logical. I’ve had the ecu for a while now and its been socketed and chipped.
I did however swap my MFR (main fuel relay) with the one off of my parts car and this problem has not occurred since.
So I took the car in the shop and after a week and a half later I got it back NOT fixed. My gf’s grandparents told me to take it to their friend and the would fix it and so I did just that. I called him yesterday and they said they don’t do Ignition switches. They are just drive train and transmissions. hahaha so any ways they did tell me what it was and didn’t charge me. So now I have the part on order from the dealer and I might try and do it myself. Has anyone done the electric part on one? Any steps or how too’s? If not I am having a relative do it tuesday at his shop.