Cupofnoodles DB2



i fucking like it…ALOT

haha thanks man! to bad winters here so ill be throwing the gsr’s back on : /

rims look good on the car. nice ride man

thanks working on getting my camber kits and wheel spacers but all that wont be on till winter is over. Going to be pulling the wheels back off soon : /

thinking about getting the windows tinted what do you guys think??

Nay from me but im not one for tints at all. Car looks really good as it is

thanks! if i do i was going to go with like 30% my friend has it on his civic, its not to dark or to light its perfect

got a hole in a coolant line today :frowning:

I love the car! Hopefully mine will be as nice as yours one day. Anything bad come of the coolant leak? I hope you didn’t overheat and warp the head or anything.

thanks! The head should be fine but im going to check it out anyway. I only drove on it for about 10 mins with it overheating then i made it home. Ill update it when i find everything out

fixed the over heating and coolant leak! the hose was kinked glad it was a easy “fix” i guess i can say lol

No tint, it looks cleaner without it.

Coming along very nicely, the new wheels you got make it stand out from the rest. That red shines like the sun does, you should have no problems picking up chicks at your local starbucks, they love red especially bright and shinny. lol

hahahahaha thanks! yeah i’m doing a tad bit of extra saving on the side for some more suspension parts :stuck_out_tongue:

I like that (94 Accord?) front lip.

When you installed it, is it required to cut it in the middle? I have one, and can’t seem to get it to fit right on my 92-93 bumper? Got any install pics?

[QUOTE=Couped_Upd;2238204]I like that (94 Accord?) front lip.

When you installed it, is it required to cut it in the middle? I have one, and can’t seem to get it to fit right on my 92-93 bumper? Got any install pics?[/QUOTE] Yes its a accord lip, I know you have to cut it but im not sure if it has to be in the center. My friend had it on his DA but gave it to me, he was the one who cut it. He is on here his name on the site is all-da-way215 ill have him post in here on what you have to do. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind helping you out!

[QUOTE=Couped_Upd;2238204]I like that (94 Accord?) front lip.

When you installed it, is it required to cut it in the middle? I have one, and can’t seem to get it to fit right on my 92-93 bumper? Got any install pics?[/QUOTE]

The only spot you’ll really have to cut off is on the ends if any. You gotta make a couple bends on the lip to make it sit flush around the bumper. Makes it easier if you have a heat gun. Line it up in the midde to where you want it, and screw it in. Then work your way over, one screw at a time ! I used up about 8 screw. Screws doesnt need to be longer than a inch and make sure you dont screw it up to crack your bumper. Since my bumper isnt oem, it made the precut lip a bit shorter for cupofnoodles. But, cut off the ends if it overhangs a little then you should be good to go. Good luck !

I love your car! Good job man. Where in Pa are you from? You going to wyotech? Or is that UTI? I know that’s not ATC because that’s where I went lol

Lovely DA you have there!

Thanks! I am going to give it a try. Nice build bud!