Do not buy from mikejones!!!!!!!

i dont see how he is hit n miss like that , normally you either have … A) a crook B)a good guy that follows through. Thats it , how is it he sometimes sends the stuff and other times doesnt ? the fact he is given chance after is chance is beyond me

he seems to be dodging me. i bought a sunroof visor from him for 85 and got it shipped here then something got messed up and it got sent back. so i had to send him another 55 to get it sent back here and i still havent got anything. not a message or anything. its been 2 months… and paypal isnt doing anything about it so i guess im just stuck…

^^shit, man. i got a sunroof visor i’m not using. no clips tho. i’m in canada as well though. dun dun dunnn

i think mike jones phone number can be found in half of his songs.

I’m pretty sure I bought something from Mike and I got it just fine

Pretty sure isn’t really to clear of a response considering you don’t really know if you bought something from him or not, plus that’s not really helping anyone get their parts so there’s no reason to try and make him look like a good person when he clearly isn’t

sorry but … :lol:

that’s mature.

wow… you’re making you’re self sound really ignorant and immature. actually you sound like a complete jackass. you’re problem is with him… not with canada. show a little respect. and no im not canadian

i bought stuff from mike jones and i got my item yeah it took a while to get since hes in canada and it took a few days to get a response from him but i still got the item he told me i would take at least a week send me a tracking number