G2 SEDAN Thread **PICS ONLY**, excessive chit-chat will be DELETED!

i love the moldings painted to match and the roof trim painted black, gives a lil more contrast on the top. the white wipers are a lil different but hey its your car and make it how you want it rite…

haha my wiper blades. i dont mind em. its different! yeeaup moldings painted flat black would look dope and different. thanks for the input guys!!


Wait… what’s happening here? :pupeyes:

last pic should tell the story…

Shoot me a text when you’re there I have the set 5195912143

whewww… ok good. haha

^^^^ Nice Rims! :stuck_out_tongue:

^^^ Nice DB1 :smiley:


Bought these for 6.99 shipped from Hong Kong

Painted them white and my calipers red and viola…


Do you think they will stay on or eventually fall off?

So many sweet sedans getting posted up. I love this thread!

Lowballers Japan DB1

gah i cant wait til i get mine back

After I applied them I went over everything with high temp clear coat, so my hopes is that it will stay put, but who knows?

IMG_0315 by B16 DB1, on Flickr