LMAO…Smart ass:wave: Im working on it tho. Lets get back on topic.
yes please have pm’s it will make it so much better
[QUOTE=caboose;2100999]ahh takes me back to the days of downloading mp3’s from napster at 5 kbps…
As for the new site, PM’s would be good. Maybe a new logo with 10th anniversary in it.[/QUOTE]
damn 5 kbps! lol that must have been a good day though… my usual was around 3.
conrats on the big ten coming up
Thanks Neil! I really love being apart of the site
pm ftw
Pm’s would be great. I would also love to have a member rides section so that you can look at other peoples cars.
I do like the quickness of the site but it would be nice to update it a bit. Some sites have options for higher bandwidth layouts or simple ones so slower connections don’t get raped.
What ever you do change, id like to see the dark color scheme stick around. Its different and I like it.
go with this one…lol…ill be tight
Ride of the month
no 1 priority pms lol number 2 pms
a ride of the month section
[QUOTE=lsjdmteg;2101179]no 1 priority pms lol number 2 pms
a ride of the month section[/QUOTE]
x2 on car of the month
o and 10th anniversary stickers
sorry but this made me giggle , its funny cause I work in IT. I can appreciate that you have the patients (sp?) to deal with that type of connection and I deal with so many frustrated people that dont understand that they cant remote into their home computers, stream a movie, listen to music, and edit their personal photos from work
Something I would like to see is an option for choosing they type of ‘theme’ that you would like to view the site in. I know alot of people say the black is easy on the eyes but for me it actually strains my eyes
EDIT: Maybe a nice Orange and Teal theme…haha
[QUOTE=mR742;2101238]sorry but this made me giggle , its funny cause I work in IT. I can appreciate that you have the patients (sp?) to deal with that type of connection and I deal with so many frustrated people that dont understand that they cant remote into their home computers, stream a movie, listen to music, and edit their personal photos from work
Yeah, I sometimes get flack for having dial-up at home, but I don’t care. I’m getting it practically for free, and I’m not really willing to shell out a lot of money for a high-speed connection. I don’t spend much time on the internet at home anyway; it’s not a priority. I sit in front of a computer all day at work staring at pixels and I don’t like to do the same thing at home. I also don’t own a notebook (same reason as above), which would rule out accessing high-speed internet at free hot spots, and I don’t have a smart phone either (same reason as above).
That is awesome to be coming up on G2IC tenth anniversary! Pm’s and a ride of the month would be great. Maybe even a store you could keep up year round.
You guys need to prove to me why private messages would be useful. I see it as just another method of contact that people will ignore, and will cause problems in the commerce section with regard to people doing private “bidding”. Granted, you can do that via Email already, but I believe private messages will only exaserbate the issue.
i dont see the need for PMs. i never really ever saw a reason for them on any forum; aside from the anonymity of not having to post an e-mail address. if youre so paranoid open a new e-mail account somewhere and use it solely for “private messaging”.
lord forbid but it also helps with administration. if neil were to get subpoenaed for all information concerning a certain member, all hed have to do is pull public posts up. last i checked, vB isnt easy to pull PMs out of, if able at all. one less grey area for him to worry about.
its also a great place for people to use up a LOT of server space (comparative to only a messageboard) imagine if everyone sent one PM a day with a few attachments. id be willing to bet this forum hardly uses any storage space right now. with the addition of PMs the cost to run this place could get significantly higher.
correct me if im wrong though neil.
I do believe it will add a substantial amount of data to the database, which will make backup processes a chore. PMs more than likely do NOT contain any useful data anyway that would warrant a backup. I could just delete them before I did the backup (I believe that is possible) but then that just adds to the time it takes to do the backup in the first place.
But no, I don’t believe it would add anything cost-wise; just time and effort on my end.
BTW, we had a G2IC chat room a few years ago. It was popular for about a week, then fizzled to nothing.
[QUOTE=N FUL FX;2101557]I do believe it will add a substantial amount of data to the database, which will make backup processes a chore. PMs more than likely do NOT contain any useful data anyway that would warrant a backup. I could just delete them before I did the backup (I believe that is possible) but then that just adds to the time it takes to do the backup in the first place.
But no, I don’t believe it would add anything cost-wise; just time and effort on my end.
BTW, we had a G2IC chat room a few years ago. It was popular for about a week, then fizzled to nothing.[/QUOTE]
to be honest neil, im an admin on a somewhat smaller scale forum for computer gaming, im not root nor do i have the task of backups, but i can tell you one thing ive learned about chat rooms on tight knit forums like these… they pretty much are chat rooms already, it may not be live, but all you gotta do is keep a bookmark of the ‘todays posts’ search and its pretty much just mashing F5 if you really want to be anal about it.
e: i may be a naysayer, but i dont think PMs have a place on public forums, if you want to have private chats with someone just get thier e-mail/AIM/whatever. no need to clutter up a relatively quick forum with useless forms of communication.
i would like to ask if you could add youtube tags to the site, so that when a video is posted, you can surround it with [yt]youtube[/yt] and itll contain in the window.
altho this is HELL for dialup users, i dont know if we have a good amount of them being a car site (computer gaming kinga warrants the use of broadband so we dont have this issue where i admin)
10 year anniversary stickers is a must. limited edition or something. about the PM’s, I rarely use PM’s on the other site I use. although it’s there, it’s kind of useless. sounded pretty good at first, but what happens when you don’t use it for long periods of time? I rather keep the site simple and keep the messaging to email. a member gallery as I’m not too familiar with how much strain this can add to the site, sounds good but to me, it’s not a must. there are so many members that have already posted there rides all over this site, so in all, I wouldn’t change a thing.
it has been a long time. never used the forum until 03, but had an account since 01’. lol. at that time, I didn’t even know it was new. this was when I lived in VA and my freinds had told me about the site. seems like it’s always been a healthy community and always growing. thanks neil for all your hard work.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it…? I love the website as it is!
speeleng, gramer n punkuasion chex tules? Txt msg ccunvurtion bot?:read: