Identify this 2dr spoiler

^ Make some for a DB1!! :cross:

i will do my best for a db1. But my customers, co-worker, and myself all drive DA’s. So it might be hard to sacrifice a spoiler to a customer to be the test dummy. But if all goes well the wing shall be done. With or without the 3rd brake light, optional for consumer’s choice. I will keep you guys posted

:bump: Subscribed. I’ll be watching to see how these turn out. I have wnated a simple yet unique spoiler for some time. Keep us posted.

Same here, +1 for a DB1 spoiler.

i would def buy one of these man…w/o the 3rd break light…thats sick let me know wut happens…

count me in if they get made

Old I know, but Im curious what ever happened with this? I have the Vigor spoiler on my DB1, but I like the look of this one as well.

the thing that happened is that the mold was too damn expensive and i wouldn’t have ownership of the mold. So if it was copied the company had the authority to sell it and i wouldn’t see a dime out of it.

Oh. Well that just makes sense. lol. That sucks but, ohwells. lol.