Dude one month I hit 1.6gb of data. That was like HEAVY HEAVY usage.
I could EASILY be under 2gb every month. I swear I was breaking a sweat trying to hit 1.6gb.
Dude one month I hit 1.6gb of data. That was like HEAVY HEAVY usage.
I could EASILY be under 2gb every month. I swear I was breaking a sweat trying to hit 1.6gb.
excellent. Thats exactly what I want to hear. I’ve had the phone 2 days at I’m at 1mb of data
I’m 30 seconds away from going back to my old flip phone. There is apparently some iOS software update that needs to be downloaded. I-cloud can’t access my account and when I type in the password it tells me its not correct. This is the same thing it did on the first day I set up the phone (with a spanish language instruction sheet fuck you very much verizon).
I really don’t like apple. I’m having flashbacks to having to hold down the apple, option, p and r keys to start my mac performa junior year of highschool. Using this phone is like learning how to fly an alien spaceship from a rose art paint by number book.
just sync it with itunes and it’ll do the software update without you having to type anything.
are you SURE you’re not fat-fingering it? i mean, this IS you we’re talking about. :giggle:
[QUOTE=armedferret;2254393]just sync it with itunes and it’ll do the software update without you having to type anything.
are you SURE you’re not fat-fingering it? i mean, this IS you we’re talking about. :giggle:[/QUOTE]
itunes for Debian Linux? I mean if they make it I’ll be the first on board. No fat fingering i take it really slow. I did set up an appointment tonight at the Douchiest Place on Earth , I mean the Apple Store at the Mall at Short Hills. I’ll let a genius take a crack at it.
tell him you run linux. watch his face melt as he tries to comprehend it. :giggle:
So I get the mall a little early and walk past all of the stores with names I can’t pronounce or that sell things I can’t afford. It 6:15 and I have a 6:30 appointment. I check out the $234,000 Bentley that Paul Miller autogroup has parked in the middle of the walkway (yes its for sale). Figure out how long it will take me to walk from apple to verizon to return the iphone when this doesn’t work. It;s 6:19 lol. I wait a few more minutes and walk into the store. Its fucking packed.
I walk to the back of the store where the Genius Bar is and I am intercepted by an apple employee with a headset and an ipad
captain headset: How can I help you sir?
me: I’m John Junkman, I have a 6:30p appointment for the genius bar.
ch: Yes. There its is. I see you. What seems to be the problem today?
me: My iphone won’t update. It keeps saying I have to connect to the icloud. I’ve had to connect to the cloud numerous times and change my password each and every time. Something isn’t right and there were alot of issues when I was setting up the phone as the verizon start-up sheet was 1) in spanish 2) did not follow the same order of operations as the phone. I’m not an apple guy and I don’t have itunes or an ipod or any other i-product.
ch: (look on his face is sheer terror after hearing me “i don’t have itunes”) Lets see if we can solve this. This is Sally* (I don’t recall her name at this point) she’ll help you out today.
sally: take a seat. name?
me: John (motherfuckin’) Junkman (best recognize).
sally: whats the problem? (big ass attitude)
me: the phone doesn’t work. (I repeat the issues I told captain headset)
sally: (snatching the phone off the table and cycling through the settings with a huff as to say “how can this fuckface NOT know every fucking detail of this wonderful apple product”) The i-cloud is on and working see? (sticks the phone in my face and prepares to walk away)
me: Yes I am aware of what the screen says. It won’t let me update the software and everytime I turn the phone on or unlock it it asks me to update the software.
sally: (at this point has made up her mind that my problem is 1) me 2) solved ) Well did why didn’t you update it? (bigger attitude)
me: It keeps asking me for a password. I enter the password and it tells me its not the correct password. I’ve burned through the 3 passwords I use for silly shit like this and have resorted to adding 1 or X to the end of 2 of these passwords so that I could use them as I am not able to use a password once the cloud says I’ve entered it incorrectly too many times and used the iforgot link. If this is something that will continue to be an issue , I’m ready to go back to this now (I place my LG flip-phone on the table next to my iphone). I’ll take whatever financial hit verizon has in store for me I really don’t care or NEED an iphone for that matter.
sally: (grabs the iphone again with a huff) Ok then. Lets do the update. (goes into settings then hands me the phone)
me: Ok I’m being prompted for the 6th time to enter my password. (enters password and is told its incorrect). And it’s saying my password is incorrect AGAIN. This is the 6th time.
sally: (grabs the phone from my hand in disbelief) Well sometimes this happens. Let’s Delete your icloud account and start over.
3 more cycles of “delete the account and start over” ensue as well as rebooting the phone. Sally is getting really annoyed that this isn’t working and that my appointment is approaching the 15 minute mark. On the 4th attempt the icloud “takes” and I am able to get into software update.
sally: It takes 10-15 minutes to update. Then it will work, if you have any questions talk to anyone in a blue shirt. (walks away)
me: Sally? Sally? Hello?
Sally has given me no indication of what to expect when the iphone is updating. Will it turn itself off and on a few time? Will I be prompted for a 10th non working password? How will I know if the update has been successful? How will I know if the iphone is working correctly after the update? I am at a crossroads. I can either sit here for 15 or so minutes , wait for the phone to update, deem that the update has been done correctly and leave. I could also sit at this table for hours, playing it stupid. I really have nowhere to be and how do I know if the update is a success? How do I know if the phone is functioning properly? I decide to play it stupid.
I sit for about 20 minutes after the phone has shut itself off once and the apple logo appeared with a software install status bar. Other customers at the table are helped by other geniuses and come and go. I finally see Captain Headset return to the floor (he might have been on a break or doing other tasks). I leave the table and get back in line behind people with appointments. I finally get to the front of line.
ch: You were hear earlier right?
me: yes. Sally did an update on my phone then disappeared. Can you tell me if its good to go? I was having issues with icloud and the software would not update.
ch: Of course. (takes me phone). Ok this is good it looks like its all connected.
me: Thank you. I know nothing about this phone. The documentation really blows and as I stated before I’m not an “i-lifestyle” guy. I just want it to work
ch shows me where the user guide is on the phone and tells me about an apple store app for setting up additional appointments or maybe taking classes. His customer service skills are alot better than Sally’s.
Cliffs: icloud account and preinstalled preupdate software we’re not playing nice together. Several reboots and deleting my icloud account 3 additional times + updating software fixed the issue.
You should have told Sally that you have a horrible pain when you wipe your ass. Then asked her to take a look.
She probably would have said “there’s an app for that”
it did it again. Another system update, another trip to the apple store, another skeptical genius telling me I did something wrong, no response as to why I have keep recreating my apple id and account.
Another reason I like Android. Updates are done within the phone.
Next phone will most likely be android based. Iphone was too good of a deal to pass up in this case. Im sure in 2 years time my opinion of the iphone could change for the better.
I noticed you getting high-end stuff lately. Did you get a promotion? not that i really know you - know you, but i used to read your post all about buying the cheapest stuff like cars and shoes… just saying.
You are correct I used to buy really cheap cars. I go into a fight with esurance as they claimed I was running a business selling cars. I explained to them that I drove shit piles because their premiums were so high I couldn’t afford to buy or lease anything new. They dropped me. When I turned 30 my insurance dropped low enough to were I wouldn’t be paying out the nose (for NJ anyway). Shoes and clothes I still go cheap on. My job provides me with company issued scrubs so I really don’t have to dress to impress for 37.5 hours a week.
High end stuff? I have an iphone 4 (not the s) that I paid $30 for after a slew of credits. I drive a 2012 honda civic that I lease for under $200/month (slightly under $300 when you add car insurance). I’ve purchased a bunch of film cameras from either ebay or thrift stores for pretty cheap (most expensive being the CX-1 that was around $150)
As for promotions, 2 years ago I started a new job that paid $12,000 more that the job I was at for LESS hours (they also cover my medical vision and dental so I save about $1000/year on insurance). I got around 4% raise about a year ago and a few performance based bonuses including a $250 employee of the year bonus.
I sell alot of things locally, on ebay and on craigslist. I also take a trip to the scrap yard once or twice a quarter to sell assorted scrap metals I pick up for weight so that little bit of money helps buy toys. Finally Im near the end of paying off the mountain of debt I was in a few years back so my income is going up a little (i’m about to move to a new apartment in a few months though so I might get slammed on rent lol) .
A friend I work with has the iphone 4s, and she hates it. Honestly, I have no complaints at all, so far, from my Android phone. I have the HTC Droid Incredible 2. With the exception of the fact that it takes a little longer than I’d like for it to boot up, it is a great phone for what I need out of it.
I also have the 2GB data plan. (also a verizon user) To this day, in the 7 months I’ve had this phone, i haven’t accrued more than .5gb in one billing cycle. I connect to my wifi at home, and enjoy really fast speeds, and almost instant updates. I say, next issue you have with the iPhone, just scrap it for a Droid. They are easy to set up, and, at least in my experience, very user friendly.
yeah I’m never over with data I haven’t even come close to a gig yet (had the phone for 3 billing cycles). Its off and locked in my locker for 6-9 hours a day mon-fri and the rest of the time wifi is plentiful especially in the NYC metro area. As much as I hate the phone verizon told me that they would charge me full price if I wanted to switch to a driod before my contract is up. At this point I can make my part time job going to the apple store and bothering them if need be.
Speaking of me and electronics I had an issue with the billing kiosks at the verizon store on route 22 in Union NJ. Actually the store has an issue. When I got my first phone 12 years ago, I mailed the bill in and the check was stolen. I then signed up for online billing and there was a major fuck up on their end. For 12 years I’ve been going to a verizon store once a month to pay my phonebill. The store on route 22 is usually my last resort as the kiosks either are not calibrated or just not working and have had issues since they were installed.
I had to pay the bill and was on the double deuce so I decided to stop at the store knowing full well I’d have to pay at the counter and not the machine
me: I’d like to pay this bill but I assure you your kiosks will no read my debit card.
clerk: oh is there a problem with your card?
me: no there is a problem with your machines. The machines at the Livingston and Watchung stores can read my card with no issues, your machines not so much.
clerk: well they’ve worked all day. Lets go over and see what you’re doing wrong.
me: Please. Save yourself the trip. The machines don’t work. Let me pay the bill here.
clerk: I cant take payments only at the kiosk.
me: ok lets take a walk.
walk over to the kiosk. Type in all my info on machine 1. Machine 1 can’t read my card. try machine 2 same deal.
clerk: well it doesn’t work its gotta be your card.
me: again its not my card its your machines. I see you have credit card readers on the service desks i KNOW they will work if you try to swipe my card.
clerk: you can’t pay there.
me: ok bye.
I walk over to the manager. Everyone is dressed like used car salesmen.
me: Hi I’d like to give you $78.56. Your machines won’t read my card and your clerk won’t take my payment. So I’d like to either pay my bill or cancel my service. How do we go about doing that?
manager: right this way.
within 30seconds my card was being swiped at the service desk and HOLY FUCKING SHIT it read! The manager asked about signing me up for online bill pay, I explained my situation, he pressed on. I asked him to drop it or cancel my service. He backed off. Again I only go to the 22 store in an emergency. The livingston and watchung stores are much nicer and I don’t feel like I have to wash the scumbag car dealer smell off of me when I leave.
My first smartphone was an Iphone, loved it at the beginning but hated itunes. By the end of my contract I hated both the Iphone and Itunes. The updates on the phone made it almost unusable and it would constantly lock up. The final straw was when I was unable to dial 911 on the piece of shit after witnessing a fellow motorcycle rider go down.
Needless to say, I now have an Android and have had it for almost two years and will be gettiing another android as soon as I’m eligible for an upgrade.
That and I’m not a fan of the whole “iCult” lifestyle.
The Apple haters crack me up. I’ve had every iPhone since the first one and have a 4s now and I’ve NEVER had any of the problems that I’ve read here. People hate iTunes? Why? Because it’s way too easy to manage and entire music library and purchase new music legally? Damn, I know it’s such a pain to have to open the software.
It’s not an iCult lifestyle. I’m not one of those cool nerdy hipsters that waits in line for new Apple products, but I have always had the iPhone since the first one came around, have 2 small iPods that were gifts and I recently bought an iPad2 from Eric (Knightsintegra) and they’re all crazy simple to use and do all the cool things I want it to do.
John, I do know the Apple ID’s can be a problem, I’ve never had one but I do know of another person that did. Other than that, the only reason to hate the i(products) is because it makes you feel cooler I guess.
WinAMP and MediaMonkey have a TON more user-friendly features and can, no shit, let you delete duplicates and invalid files… things that iTunes will not do without creating multiple playlists and ‘tricking’ the software into doing such tasks.
Apple make good products and are quite innovative, but I like my Android (not ‘Droid’, ugh) products that much better.
Not to mention Google doesn’t sue everyone under the sun for using a feature that even slightly resembles something that they use… even though Apple use the “iPhone” name that was coined and copywritten by Microsoft… Hypocritical much?
JunkMan, hopefully your experience with said products improves… or hopefully its a quick two years for you lol.
microsoft had the iphone? i thought Cisco was the original creator of the “iphone”. Pretty sure Apple actually asked permission to license that name. Not saying you’re wrong or anything, just thought I read that.
edit: according to this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPhone negotiations were in progress but then Cisco filed a lawsuit.