ky - few parts fs

yes, its a customs form. just put what its in the box and how much i paid. nothing special. but, i’ll take it. can you do 15$ shipped for the tan coin tray?

Yeah I could do $15, which one do you need… Blue or tan?

tan you paypal is right?


is that same email you use to get emails? i am going to send you my address…

money sent btw

Cool, it will be sent tomorrow afternoon

Trying to get done work in time to send them today!



Can you post pics of the coin tray an armrest please

What is your email?

gramon85@yahoo dot com

coin tray arrived safely. just like i thought, it doesnt fit the rhd dash. its all good though… no i have a spare for my da back home… thanks man.

feedback left… if you could do the same please…


Bump. Can you email me pictures of exhaust tip, strut bar and the aluminum cover to username@ yahoo? My g2ic user name that is. Thanks in advance

I’ll get pics when I get home today

every got a chance? Don’t know which email is yours.


never got an email

I think I typed your address wrong. I’ll take some more pics and send them when I get home