Need help with serious electrical gremlins!!

What’s the problem with your power window??

The usual issue with these are arched contact points in the switch housing. Some glass paper and concentration is most likely all it takes to fix it. If you get really stuck and need some help, let me know. Try to decribe your problem is an explicit detail as possible and we’ll work through it.

We need to stick together here guys.


aka neex.

well heres my problem. The drivers side control started to not work every once and a while when i woulds try and use the thing that makes the window go down in one touch. About a week later my window switches stopped working completely. The strange thing is that the passenger and driver side switches both stopped working at the same time. This is why i think it maybe a larger problem then the contact switches. i checked the fuse by eye but i am going to test it with a volt meter today. I am having lots a electrical problems in my car right now and i hope this didn’t screw with the window motor causeing the windows to stop working.

thanks for the help guys i just got my car a few months ago and i have all ready got much information from you guys.


Shoot me an email at

I will send you some troubleshooting info that will help fix your window problem. You will need to take your door panels off though but this is easy.


aka neex.

AFAIK your main driver’s side switch has the express function controller built into an IC in the switch. It also provides power for the pass side as I recall. In other words, a badly failed driver’s ‘master switch’ could easily cause trouble on the pass side.

The BEST way to test the motors is to put 12V right to the motor itself. If it operates, the problem is upstream from the motor.

similar problem

i have ahad a similar problem for my radio but it is when i start to break my radio will shut off then come back on. is this the same kinda fix or a different electrical problem.

:slight_smile: Nice to know that we started a thread that’s actually getting some good use!!! Neex, the problem with my rad fan is not going away at all. I’ve changed and or inspected/tested every single relay in my car. I know that’s a little extreme, but I just wanted to be sure. I’ve also followed a lot of the wiring and visually inspected it too. Last thing I did (which is what I didn’t want to do!) was actually go out and buy a new fan. Wasn’t as expensive as I thought, and no more problem. While I was at it, i looked up a fluidyne radiator on’s sales site and bought that too. Install was a BITCH!!! But it was well worth it. It might sound weird but it feels like I got a power gain just by changing the radiator. Not to mention that it’s smaller and WAAYYY lighter than stock.

I’m still having that problem with my radio though. Even though I mounted it to the bracket and put some foam around the edges just make sure that there is no vibration or movement. Last thing I’m going to do is to cut the stock harness and remove some frayed and cracked wiring that I found back there. Hope that fixes it. If not I’m gonna have to rewire the WHOLE THING!!! Talk about a weekend project!!

Anywho, thanx for your support and info NEEX, you have been invaluable to me in helping me remedy certain problems!!! It just goes to show how many cool people are still left in this world!!!:up:

I’m glad to help when I can…

I’m glad it did some good…

aka neex.

yeah neex good look on spreadin your knowhow
thats what makes G2ic what it is