bump just show all your type r parts on da
you know they make a little bar that uses those bracket holes and does the same thing. that what i run and i can keep my cover on
got some pic???
my championship whitw integra
Wow, thats it for the ITR inspired DA’s??? I was looking through this to see if anyone did the Phoenix Yellow and so far I can’t find one so I guess thats what Im going with.
Keep coming with the pics guys
^^^^Nevermind I found a few people with the Phoenix yellow paint, looks good too.
can you post the pic here plz i want to see
My JDM B18C’s head is about to have the inner workings of an ITR:
JDM ITR cams and valve springs.
My car is definitely inspired by the ascetic appeal of the ITR. I also have a ITR transmission and valve cover.
These are the only ones I can find. The magazine one was the 3rd or 4th issue of Super Street Magazine.
[QUOTE=stoopid_1;2249600]My car is definitely inspired by the ascetic appeal of the ITR. I also have a ITR transmission and valve cover.
Where can I get the side skirts??? Some people said they come stock on USDM Integras but I’ll be damned if the five I have owned didn’t have them lol.
They’re Mugen Replica side skirts, far from the OEM Optional side skirts that came as an option for DA’s. The sides are discontinued, made by VIS (and I think Techno R back in the day). They pop up for sale every once and a while, keep your eyes out!
They are actually not discontinued… I just bought a set.
VIS Techno R side skirts:
I just bought some a few weeks ago. They still have them in stock.
Hey kilerintegra do you live in pennsylvania? i have a good friend that lives in erie, PA
nice job keep the cars coming also if u have any video post too
[QUOTE=imcnblu;2250280]They are actually not discontinued… I just bought a set.
VIS Techno R side skirts:
I just bought some a few weeks ago. They still have them in stock.[/QUOTE]
Are we talking about the same sideskirts? The ones in the link you posted don’t look to be Mugen replicas, rather the Mugen “style” sides that Wings West offered with their front and rear bumper covers. It has a more bubbly look to it, as the Mugen replicas have sharper edges and fit the lower part of the body snug.
Not trying to argue, just clarifying. I’m sure they’re still some places that sell the side skirts, they just aren’t as prevalent as they use to be. The Wings West style seems to be the favored of the two as they continue in production.