hey guy just got my 450cc DSM injector and bought a used resistor box.
the box is 6.2 ohms
injector are 2.6 ohms
total 8.8 ohms
the specs or a 92-93 teggy are 10 to 13 ohms
am I into trouble ?
hey guy just got my 450cc DSM injector and bought a used resistor box.
the box is 6.2 ohms
injector are 2.6 ohms
total 8.8 ohms
the specs or a 92-93 teggy are 10 to 13 ohms
am I into trouble ?
i installed 90-91 resistor box in my 92 with my 780’s no problem so far
i have a resistor box kicking around if you need it $10usd shipped.
well my main concern is that the resistor box supposed to put these injectors at around the stock 10-13 ohms range. this is a 90-91 box, but the total yeild 8.8 ohms. maybe it can overheat…