S-AFC (SAFC) vs FMU and boost reading?

Hello guys, i’m goin turbo during spring and wanted to know a few things.

  1. DOes the S-AFC from apexi is as efficient as a calibrated 12:1 FMU ?
  2. Can we read boost on these S-AFC controllers or we need boost gauge.
    and last, i thing A/F on S-AFC is controller by % , but how do we fit % to some kind of airfuel ration (like 12:1) ?

thx to answer guys, and if anyone of you have these units tell me about it :slight_smile:

#1 - an FMU blows for fuel management. you are always running pig rich in boost and it is no where near ‘tuned’ fuel management for your car

#2 - an AFC blows even more IMO, you use bigger injectors which is a plus but it advances the hell out of your timing putting more stress on your engine and opening up all sorts of chances for bad things like detonation

With that said…since you havent chosen anything, you should look into running one of the latest and greatest chipped ECUs using either one of the FREE ROM EDITORS out there depending on what year your Teg is.

OBD0 (90-91 Tegs) - TurboEdit - www.turboedit.org
OBD1 (92-93 Tegs) - Uberdata - www.ecimulti.org/uberdata

Your cost is minimal in comparision to an FMU and you can run higher boost at safer and better tuned levels. An AFC (unless you buy used) is more expensive than running a chipped ECU (for boost). The most expensive part is getting it tuned really and if you have the will and the way you can easily tune it in yourself.

Any more question…ask.



So you say FMU is better not having, and Uberdata will acheive the same as a S-AFC but it is free !!

I have red on the website of apexi that this device could monitor:

Intake Manifold Vacuum/Boost Pressure, Air Flow Capacity, Intake Manifold Pressure, Karmann Frequency, Engine RPM, Throttle Position, and Air Flow Correction %.

therefore is shows the BOOST (no need of boost gauge) and A/F ratio (no need too… ) while controling this same A/F

in a nutshell , this SAFC could do the job right ?? :hmm:

and by the way ive gone to your website, nice !(but few links are dead)
how did you made that exhaust

I didn’t know it could dispaly O2 A/F. ANwyays it is still usless as your stock O2 is narrowband and won’t do anything for you when it comes to tuning. The problem with using the afc and a large negative correctino value, it sets your further back into the timnig map then you really are thus advancing your timiing a shit loads which is the one reason why AFC is not safe.

good then ! ill trow away that SAFC idea :slight_smile:

Chipped ECU is your best bang for the buck. All of the positives and none of the negatives. With Uberdata you can monitor EVERY sensor in your car :slight_smile: - its just not in a nice easily ( colorful :gay: ) screen.

The exhaust I got from Kteller (www.kteller.com) - Mike is a good guy and has great products.