SE PA -New in box: Progress coil overs, full race traction bar. Used hasport mounts.

Shipping is $54. I’ll take $10 off that since I offered the other guy a lower price. So it will be $350 + $44 + paypal fees. You can also gift if you want to save the money, I assure you I’m not a scammer but its completely up to you.

Thank you for that lower price. I will send a payment using Paypal.

Payment sent.:up:

Traction bar is SOLD. Thanks DJshado.

Bump it up.

I had some interest in the coil overs but it seemed like a shady scam type deal so I never responded. If it was someone on here post in here and I’ll consider responding.

traction bar received and installed. thanks again. Great seller.:rockon:

Lowered price on coilovers another 50 bucks to 400 +shipping and fees.

what are the spring rates on the coilovers? for what type car?Thanks.
And it looks like your 1st post or so said 400 + shipping+fees…So -50 more would be 350$ +shipping+fees right??!

Spring rates are 350 front 500 rear. And I edited my first post. Price is 400 plus shipping and PayPal fees.


