I tried. Several of us fell behind the larger group at a stop light, and then we must have followed the guy heading home. The three of us (Steve and Ryan?) stopped at a gas station just past the highway (5something) and decided we didn’t want to tread back through the nasty traffic to get to the ice cream place.
Yeah, Steven Kephart, Stephen(viperoni) and me, Nick…not Ryan Sat at a gas station for about 10 minutes wondering if we wanted to take on the huge taffic-jam in order to make it back to the ice cream place. Stephen and I decided we were tired anyway so we might as well go home, it’s another 3hr+ drive :bored: because of traffic…on a sunday! :down: :bs:
I tried to bring more people up with me from my area (Vancouver, USA) but not too many people were up for the drive…pussies. You know who you are!
All in all, i think it was worth it, i had a great time! Next time Tacoma would be better for me, but if it’s in Seattle again, i’m sure i’ll come anyway.
Count me in 100%.
Tacoma is equal distance(2.5 - 3 hours) from Portland,OR and Vancouver, BC for all the Northwest G2IC people. Not many local (10-20 mile radius) members in this area that i can see on an average day, so it would be great to get a massive turnout.
OT: Sun, you playing Battlefield 2 yet? Get it. :rockon:
Ivan is right tacoma would be great for the next one, count me in.
when do you guys think the next meet will be? i know i will bring my gsr in, location not been a problem.
hahaha… nice Josh. I am working on the motorcycle. Gimme some time. It WILL happen
Edgar, your car is looking sweeeet! you got way too much money to spend on your car and you probably locked your gf in a closet for a while, didn’t ya?
Pete, maybe I can organize another meet up here again at the end of the summer or something. We’ll do more at the beach this time. Last meet was nice and hanging out at the beach. I know more girls will be out half naked later on.
Sleeper, sorry I forgot your name. I’ve been playing Battlefield 2 for a while now. I’m ranked Lance Corporal. Check my stats under the name “Shoppingcartpimp”. My monitor recently died on me this week so I can’t even do anything on my desktop computer. I’ve been on the laptop for a while now. I gotta find a nice LCD to buy like a 20" Dell cinema or I will likely get a 19" CRT from a coworker for cheap.
Anyhow, I’ll talk to Steve (redlineintegra) and see if he wants to organize another meet at Jericho Beach later on in August.
I know the fireworks competition is coming up pretty soon at the end of the month and oh Pete, Abbotsford Canadian Airshow is Aug 12 to 14.
ttyl guys
Let me know what you decide to do… I could be up for coming up for the airshow. Any info on it? Let me know whats going that weekend… As usual I would need a place to crash. Hopefully tommy’s parts will be here by then so he would not have to come down to get them.
Would be great to meet up near the end of August / Early September. This way the weather would still be pretty decent. As for the location, I still think somewhere in Tacoma, or on some beach would be perfect. Tacoma would be if we knew for sure that some of the Portland guys would be coming up. If not, then perhaps Alki or something?
Anyways, I’m willing to get this setup if other people are busy, but I’d still rather have one of the older members do it
Let’s do it!
Bad ass meet!
People in the south or near the Tacoma area should recommend a park with a nice bbq area and a big parking lot for a photoshoot….we could start the meet at Federalway or southcenter and cruise to the park…
well, there is Cheney Stadium and there is lots of good parking by the water of Puget Sound on North Ruston Way (Ruston Way Park). There is Point Defiance Park. I don’t know about Steilcom County park. And if you are wondering how I know this. I checked a map.
i wish i could have made it…my car is sooooooooooo close to being back on the road.
for those who forgot what my car looks like
Thanks Neil
Ryan, can I go over and take some stuff off your car for free? lol
sure, i trade you my air freshners for your 19s…remember, i have the gun…hehe :getsome:
Ryan, how about you bring your car and guns across the border and trade things off in Canadia?
I hear there’s a new tunnel near linden/abbotsford