**The official DB1 thread! pictures, advice, tips, etc..! (4dr's part 4!)**


they actually apply it to the order automatically:rockon: got mine for $124 shipped :smiley:

:gunleft: :umno:

sumbody trade me their DB1 for my DC lol



ian pics look 100x times better than the night before. next time i’ll wash my car.

yeah dude… that nights pics sucked… its embarassing compared to these ones…

where you at jdm obsessed?? got some shit to say still?? :gtfo:

Those 2 DB’s make me want to hurry up and get my DB together.

You fuckers, They look clean :slight_smile:

Cars and pictures are nice, but whats with the tuckage of the 15’s in the rear… only?

It looks like somethings broke…

well, i just sold my…

CB7, haaha

the db1 will be my new DD now. can anyone tell me how the DB1 handle in the snow?

nice pics btw rex & ian makes me want to soupe up mine as well. Im thinking getting some black rims for it.

Very nice pics. The offset on that white DA is insane.

4sd4dr- nothing is broken. its just that i have a camber kit on the front so it makes it look higher. i will be adjusting the camber or just replacing it w/ the oem one. i’m not too happy with the way it looks in the front.

yeah… if you have a db and you can tuck the front and still drive it… well then props to you…
its pretty much impossible


Some nice DB1’z. I will be posting some new pics of my DB1 soon…

Be safe to all and keep them clean.

Ralph! What’s new? I thought you were selling your DB.

^x2…those DBs made me skeet alot:rockon:

This Is For The Little Db1 That Could
