OK, I’ve searched and found similar answers to what I need, but nothing specific enough. Anyways, I just bought a Zex wet kit off of here, and have about $450 left to spend. Exactly what would you guys reccomend me buying for the engine to keep me as safe as possible? I plan on heading down to versus next week and want to have a list in hand. Please keep in mine that the motor is bone stock besides an intake and its an auto (i kno i kno, i needa swap :-/).
fuel rail and pressure regulator!! this helps a ton!! u can boost the fuel for when u spray!! even though its a wet kit u still need this!! to prevent any mishaps such as melting through a piston!! been there done that aem is good ive been running it for 3 yrs now and o problems!! and i a have a b&m pressure gauge!