1/4 mile for b18c5?

what would the 1/4 mile time be for a b18c5 swap into a 1990 RS 4dr. completley stock.

there is no such thing- has more to do with the current condition of your vehicle and your driving abilities than the motor itself.


you could give him a little help, jeez. I think mid to high 14’s.

You’re about the same weight as a type-R, and I think that’s about what they run.

Originally posted by scooby_dooby
[B]you could give him a little help, jeez. I think mid to high 14’s.

You’re about the same weight as a type-R, and I think that’s about what they run. [/B]

a) the cars are not the same weight by far
b)the conditon of the suspension of a 13 year old car vs. a time received for a brand new ITR is completely different
c)the time received in tests are with an experienced driver and not kingsol, who we have no idea what type of driving ability ha has
d)the condition of the motor he may or may not purchase is unknown vs. a brand new ITR
e)we have no idea what drivetrain he is planning on mating it to along with the condition of the drivetrain

do you want me to go on?


man he didn’t ask for his exact time in a 1/4 mile, just a general idea.

a 2001 typeR is 2639 lbs, and an 4door RS is around 2600 lbs, that’s pretty damn close.

And the times I’m referring to are times I’ve seen posted by other members, not professional drivers, people hit low 14’s with a little weight reduction.

True suspension would be way better on a TypeR, and it would also have the benefit of a shorter transmission(about .2 seconds in the 1/4??), that’s why I said probably mid to high 14’s, depending.

I mean there’s alot of factors but you can just assume everything is in fairly decent condition, and give a general idea, you know he wont be bustin in the 13’s, and it’s not like he’s gonna be running 16’s either.

amen scooby-dooby. however, according to edmunds.com you’re waaaayyyyy off on the RS weight, it’s 2604 …sheeeesh!