15 Year Import Law White House Petition

“Stop using Homeland Security funds to seize imported vehicles, and change the DOT/EPA exemption to 15 years.” Sure there are a lot more important issues going on, but since we are all car enthusiasts here why not take 2 seconds to check out the petition.

Also, in before “online petitions don’t do anything.”

Link directs to the main page and not the petition.

OK thanks, should be working now

Thank GOD someone did this!! I mean, it’s high time our government focused on the really important issues plaguing our country these days, instead of the usual islamists seeking a global caliphate and gaining power in more and more countries hell-bent on the annihilation of anyone who thinks differently than they do…or the potential economic collapse here at home…or genocide and starvation all over Africa. FUCK ALL THAT, LET US DRIVE OLD CARS YOU JERKS!!!

Good job OP! Tell 'em what-for…they’re BOUND to listen to reason on this one right!!!

Hey man, sorry you’re having a shitty day :frowning:

I’m not, I just think maybe people ought to spend their time on things that actually matter. :shrug:

Different things matter to different people. The beauty of being an American! I signed! it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere though.

I :lol:'d at Mercer’s cool response. :up: