$150 for XSi Front Bumper?

I found an XSi Front Bumper to replace the cheap black widow front bumper that is on my teg now. I can get it for $150 shipped. It will need to be painted, but so would any bumper I get. Is that a fair price. Seems fair to me.

why don’t you just go to a local junkyard?

looks like a usdm one

jdm bumpers don’t have that heavy rebar. notice how thin the rebar is on the jdm ones?

seems like a good price, but remember, the smallest impact will cause heavy damage…!!

from what i’ve heard is that they can’t even pass the 5mph test. but hey you do save about 20lbs.

I paid about $220 for mine shipped, its a good deal!

go to the junkyard and get the usdm one for like 20 bucks. safer and cheaper

I agree with singsifu.

or find a company that sells oem replacement parts. its like $100 for a brand new bumper.


if jdm tickles your pickle then go ahead

just wondering …if thats jdm arent the signal light covers supposed to be orange…cause to me they look clear

Yes, that bumper has usdm bumper lenses

Is there a little wire/sensor just behind the grille? If so, anyone know what its for? My Prelude has that too, but not connected to anything.

if your prelude has air bags then thats the sensor for that…if not conected then if in an accedent they may not pop out