1991 Acura speedcable issue BIG PROBLEM

So i was tryin to remove the speed cable from the transmission end and it wouldn’t come out i took that little clip of that over it too it just wont budge and i tryed using pliers after and the metal is just taring apart the wire disconnected from the metal piece that in the transmission but the metal is still their connected to the wire what should i do ???

Does your speedo cable have that cable cover? The plastic covering for it? I replaced mine and mine came right out.

I have the black outside covering over the cable but what happend was in the tranny the metal sensor part is still the the cable is still attached to it but iunno how to get it out cause the metal is tared apart and i dont know what to do to remove it i got 2 speedcables last night but when i was removing it from the cluste the part taht connect to the cluste and the wire disconnected , can that be fixed?

Post pictures. I’m having a hard time understanding what you’re saying. Pictures speak volumes.

“The thing that plugs into that one thing, by the other thing, broke!!”. Know what I mean?

why dont you take the speedo asembly out? it only has to hoses and 2 10m bolts… but not sure what you mean

Yeah pull out the entire speed sensor. Take off the two power steering lines the the 10 mm bolt and it slips up out.
Personally that’s how I changed my speed cable.
Hooked up the cluster first then with the vss out I hooked up the other end of the cable and last popped the vss in the tranny.

i have now idea what you mean but the bolts? and ok basically the end of the cable that goes into the transmisson is stuck it wont come out, i tried using pliers but the all it did was tare up the metal the cable is still their and it wont come out i went to the scrap yard and the cables i took out came out easy but the one on my car wont budge

also when i said the “thing” i meant the black wire thats over the cable is apart from the sensor so it disconnected from the sensor end that in the transmission and the 2 cables i took frm the scrap yard they both came of the cluster end, so the clip that connects to the cluster was still on the cluster but the cable came of it is that ok? or do i need another cable cause i belive i can just put it back in and tightn the metal over the cable