4-20-06 meet NorCal... Union landing.

I accidentally cut off 2 cars from the picture :bang:

(Think this guy got lost)

My DB looks so ugly in this picture :frowning:

High score Yo!.

No one had a bandaid… So Mike (90DA_R) made one for George (SlowMo_teg)

Take off that fucking wiper

LOL That new Prelude guy looks hella blunted. Well it was 4-20. LOL I still wanna know what happened to that one guys H on his motor.

fun night as always fellas… :wave:

dammit i hate mikes car…its way too clean…i see ryan got lazy and drove the dc up there again…haha



thats you and you know it.

are u sure its him alan? looks like a skinnier guy…hehe

its a ghost man… it’s a ghost and you know it!!!

haha i do look hella messed up in that pic. the only smoke i inhaled that nite was exhast >.<

i jus got out of the gym…and i didnt feel like goin home and takin the cover off my car…lolz…soo yah…i guess you can say i was lazy…haha…:slight_smile:

so he left the car cover on his '90 teg, and brought out the '99 LS beater… :crazy:


Where the hell has Tom been?

find waldo has become find tom


Last i heard he was working on his finals.