4 door integra cf trunk or altezza tails?

have any 1 ever found a carbon fiber trunk for a 4 door or any aftermarket tails? i dont think its fair that only the coupes have all the good stuff

You consider altezza lights good? :umno:

CF trunk would be nice, they probably have one somewhere just have to look around.

CF trunk would be nice, they probably have one somewhere just have to look around.

I think it would be a poor decision for a manufacturer to make trunks or tails for the 4dr, because it’s rarer than a 2dr, the 90-91s are different from the 92-93s, and they’re not really compatable unless you swap the trunk w/ the tails.

I think some aftermarket tails are good, good for modifying.
I like the 90-91 tails better too, but I hate that little vent.

:dozing: altezzas

Altezza’s look awful in most instances (unless you put a red clear coat over the entire thing in which it can look presentable). I think the best look on any integra is just a red and white taillight (read the article on here how to clear out the orange piece, best thing I did on my gsr). I know some companies will manufactor a carbon fiber trunk form for a certain amount of money, however to make it cost effective you will need like 10-20 other people to chip into the mold (I think someone mentioned that a mold costs something like 2500 dollars and that they need a trunk to mold it after). I hope I helped alittle. Your best bet from here is to contact a cf company and make an inquiry about a trunk for your “specific” model and year 4 door integra. Otherwise keep it clean and nice :slight_smile:

i smoked my tails but i really want a cf trunk plz!!! if any1 finds 1 help me out