604/British Columbia G2IC Fall Meet [Nov22.09]

it will be raining sunday so we will be meeting indoors right?

chance of showers on sunday. so this is pretty good news!!! you vancouver guys can pick a place. im not familiar with the parking lots…

k well i don’t really care where this goes down, as long as it happens.
how bout surrey? if it rains, the underground parking at superstore on 104 ave and 146 street. say the southwest corner? should be pretty quiet.
i know it’s not the most monumental spot, but it’s between abby and van and just off the highway. plus we won’t get hassled up by federalis there.
if it doesn’t rain, could maybe meet at the red robyn’s lot on 152nd ave and 104 street. huge lot, lots of space.
let’s get this thing together before it snows folks, i wanna see some support for lower mainland DA’s!

People who wanted UBC where are you? Most of us have no clue where stuff is at UBC…

Since no one seems to know anything about where is good at UBC, I guess our next best option is the undercover superstore parking lot on 104 ave in surrey… We could meet there and decide what to do / where to go from there?

Since everyone was down to meet in ubc, why not make it a lil bit closer to ppl coming from far out,i think everyone knows where BCIT (willingdon and canada way) in burnaby is, why dont we meet there? i get lost in surrey lol!
time? 4-5pm?

I agree to this, even though I was turned down by the OP.

So… what’s the location then? seems like the original poster before my post hasnt said anything. Sooo… I’m fine with surrey. I’ll be bringin only 1 teg though since this is so last minute. I’ll let you guys figure out a place and time in surrey and I’ll be there. Just hope you guys can figure it out. :P. I don’t even know who is still interested.

hey, im down for wherever. just figured surrey was central. and everything was up in the air. just want to have a definitive spot. super easy to find. but doesn’t really matter where to me

and, oh yeah. anybody have any good photo skills? bring em if you got em

Does BCIT have covered parking? this is important…

But I think surrey would be best…if you get lost finding superstore you shouldn’t be driving :stuck_out_tongue:

ok, lets do surrey then. superstore underground lot? :rockon:

Okay then, I’m down for surrey, but what time?

:slight_smile: I was hoping around noon. But lets see what these guys think.


I hafta bail AGAIN.

First there was a proposed church meeting which I managed to persuade to get postponed so I can get to this meet…

Then something ELSE came up and I can’t make it.


Sorry guys, Sorry Chris…

noon in surrey superstore is good

So noon at the superstore in surrey?

Sounds good!

Welfare do you want me to bring the axle-back?

damn you, max.
12’s cool. southwest corner, i guess?
dew1989; can you bring the muffler?

Sure thing bro

right on. this’ll work good cuz i can grab some groceries too lol
supposed to be clearing up for today though. maybe we’ll figure something else out once we meet up