604/British Columbia G2IC Fall Meet [Nov22.09]

no prob max. :slight_smile:

just to confirm, which superstore?

104ave 146street
southwest corner of the underground. should be the least busy area of the lot. but it is sunday though

are there going to be EFs joining us too?

k see you guys there. :slight_smile:

Hey guys, thanks for the fun meet. I learned a lot and I finally have some ideas on how to start on my teg.

Here are the pics I took during the meet. I was the kid with the stock white teg lol, sorry some are a bit blurry.


Cya guys next time!

Yeah, it was pretty cool. I’ll post pics later. :).

hey, nice meeting you, jonathen. some of those pics don’t look too shabby.
we’ll see you next time

hopefully one day i will be able to drive my car to a meet again… maybe next year.