90'-91' engine " hesitation"

well i just got done driving my teg around after i had unplugged the o2 sensor, the hesitation is still there, s o this is not the prob…whats next?

Your next thing you might want to check is your fuel filter, and your fuel pressure, supposed to be around 35-38 psi at idle.

The idle problem. I went to Acura once and asked about it. I asked if I can get the idle adjusted. They said it wasn’t as simple as turning a screw. And it was possible that some part(can’t remember the name) was defective. It controlled the idle level. And it wasn’t cheap.

hesitation is caused by your spark plug and wires. not the O2 the bouncy idle thing is your idle adjustment. if you close the screw all the wya and reset your ecu it’ll go away.

Originally posted by integra91jay
[B]My car hesitates during idle too, really annoying and car shakes a lot. If I was going to install a new O2 sensor where and how would i put it in?

JAY [/B]

About the shaking, have you checked your motor mounts? My motor mounts dont last longer than 2 years. I’m currently looking into those Energy Suspension inserts to help. Also, about the idle issues everyone is having, checking the O2 sensor, idle speed, and timing should all be done. Also check your plugs, distributor cap/rotor and plug wires. Another thing, check your fuel filter, may be clogged (when was the last time you changed that?). Anyway…HTH…:slight_smile:

Originally posted by 93IntegraGS
The idle problem. I went to Acura once and asked about it. I asked if I can get the idle adjusted. They said it wasn’t as simple as turning a screw. And it was possible that some part(can’t remember the name) was defective. It controlled the idle level. And it wasn’t cheap.

They were probably referring to the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor)…that is NOT cheap! Cheaper to go to the junkyard and buy a throttle body.

yeah that was it i think. TPS. When he said the price i said thanks and walked out.

whenever i warm up the car in the morning, at one point the engine revs high and then it goes down and slowly the engine temp. needle moves to “C” very slowly.

notice how the post said 90-91 hesitation- it’s not just cause our cars are 1 or 2 years older. I would say the main differnce in idle quality is due to the difference b/t an obd0 and obd1 ecu setup. IMO no matter how good you “tune” and obd0 equipped car, it might be half as descent as any obd1 setup. my .02

I replaced my O2 sensor after reading this post a few weeks back. $40 for a direct replacement @ PepBoys.

The hesitation’s still there sometimes. I’m going to try to reset my ECU to see if it helps.

if you notice on an obd1 dustributor the amount of teeth on it is more than on an obdo distributor. This means the obd1 distributor responds faster and more often to what the ecu is telling it to do compared to the obdo. If you want I can get more technical but basically what i’m saying is that’s why you don’t hear this complaint from people with an obd1 (92-93) equipped integra where you do with an obdo(90-91) equipped integra. HTH

I had this hesitation problem for a while too. I changed the wires,plugs, distributor, fuel filter, 02 sensor…and my car was still hesitating. I found out that the fuel pressure was cutting off at high rpm’s and that my fuel pump wasn’t working correctly. I changed the pump three times and it still kept comin back. I then talked with a Honda mechanic and he told me it was the main relay…well, i changed that and so far my car has been running good for a month w/o problems. Hope this helps some of you guys.

What main relay?

What main relay? Where is it located? How much was it?

Hmm, I replaced the main relay on my AV and it was under the driver’s side dash above the dead pedal. I’ll take a look to see where it is in the DA.

the main realy is under the left side of the instrument panel. I can’t remember how much it was exactly, but i think it was around $65.

Originally posted by LODOSS
hesitation is caused by your spark plug and wires. not the O2 the bouncy idle thing is your idle adjustment. if you close the screw all the wya and reset your ecu it’ll go away.

Not necessarily. Hesitation can be caused by many things. It depends on the symptoms. Mine hesitated only until 4000 rpm precisely and occasionally had a slightly bouncing idle. I replaced the spark plugs and wires first, since they’re fairly cheap and easy to do, and the problem persisted. That’s when I changed the O2 sensor and the problem was cured in an instant.

For the main fuel relay, there are instructions in the Teg Tips section at the top of the page.


Too many things to worry about with a “hesitation”

Change your timing belt lately or made sure that it hasnt slipped any teeth on the cam gears lately? I just took my teggie in for a timing belt and tune-up and boy was she messed up for a while. Took it back to the guy a few weeks later and told him I felt something was off (my distributor was advanced all the way and i was still sluggish until 30000rpm, A/C turned on I couldnt go anywhere) - well he checked it out and told me everything was fine…blah blah blah

Last week went to Acura after arguing with this guy for a few weeks, thought to myself that he had never set the belt up properly, and Acura told me it has slipped a few teeth, “fix it quick, you might bend valves” they say after I had gone 5000 miles with a s#*t setup

So I bring it back to my guy, tell him about my second opinion and told him what to fix. Argued again and convinced him to take it all apart again and fix it. Got it back the next day, was anything fixed you ask? NOPE, same problem.

Needless to say I took it to the dealership and $400 later my car ran like a gem.

Sometimes with tricky problems that have too many things that could be wrong - go to the pros!

Oh and dont ever go to Broadway Citgo in Elmwood Park, NJ

What was it that the Acura Dealer fixed? Was it just a Timing Belt issue or were there other things involved?

the timing belt was never setup correctly by the first guy so they had to take everything apart to set it up correctly

they did a slight valve adjustment as well as it had never been done before but that was it

Originally posted by ducky808
What was it that the Acura Dealer fixed? Was it just a Timing Belt issue or were there other things involved?

The spring that positions the tensioner was probably not connected, I made that mistake with my B16. Luckily I caught it a couple days later and there was no problem.