90 integra optional armrest question

so i just bought my optional armrest ($40) for my integra and i trying to figure out how to to mount this dam thing

Look for the whole with thread under the carpet by the center piece between the seats but I don’t think the 90 chasis had them but I could be wrong

yeah i just check theres no wholes so does that mean i gotta drill my own??

Sadly yes you do, ^^

That armrest is a 92-93 armrest, 90-91 armrests mount to the side of the driver seat. 90-91 have no holes predrilled

Is that the deal? 92-93 came with the above and 90-91 came attached to the seats? Never heard that before.

They had some seats with arm rests. Not sure on that deal. Maybe they did have an armrest option in 91 but only the seat mounted ones.But I do know the armrest wasnt a 90-91 option, because they didnt put holes in place until 92. Easy fix tho. Its fairly easy to figure out where they need to be.