92 integra engine into a 90 integra what problems

like the title states what kind of problems would i have when droping in the engine is it a straight drop or do i have to convert to obd1 both cars are stick too thanks in advance

GET THIS—Honda Engine Swaps by Aaron Bonk—THIS WILL HELP

the only thing you have to do is just what you said convert to OBD1 because the 90-91 was OBD 0 an the 92-93 was OBD 1 which im sure you knew so yea u need to convert that

…go to your local auto shop like autozone and pick up this book, Honda Engine Swaps by Aaron Bonk or you can by it online this book will tell you anything and everything that you need to know about Honda engine swaps TRUST ME! :smiley:

Ok so just convert it and i will check for that book on engine swaps sounds like a good thing to have around

yep pretty much :slight_smile: an yea it definately is anytime i have even a small doubt in my mind i turn to that book for honda swap questions and of course to my buddies lol

[QUOTE=~ink~93jdmDA9;2093885]the only thing you have to do is just what you said convert to OBD1 because the 90-91 was OBD 0 an the 92-93 was OBD 1 which im sure you knew so yea u need to convert that[/QUOTE]wrong.

its a direct replacement engine and transmission (clutch is different though). you can use obd0 or obd1, that is up to you. obd1 conversion is covered in the teg tips section.

[QUOTE=~ink~93jdmDA9;2093885]…go to your local auto shop like autozone and pick up this book, Honda Engine Swaps by Aaron Bonk or you can by it online this book will tell you anything and everything that you need to know about Honda engine swaps TRUST ME! :D[/QUOTE]trust you? yeah right. that book is for ricers who dont have the internet for research. most of the info is dated or one way of getting at the swaps covered in it. far from a book i would recommend…

like the old saying goes, there is more then one way to skin a cat.

Read the swap Guide in Teg Tips. Dan covered almost everything that you will need.

You will need an OBD0 to OBD1 conversion harness for the 92 ECU. Basically the only things that you will need to rewire are heated O2 sensor (covered in conversion harness) Distributer harness and delete the resistor box from injectors. It is about as basic an engine swap as you can get.