95 4dr accord sideskirts.....HELP

i am sure that there is someone out there that can do a better G2 search then i can, but right now i am at a stand still and cant find anything on those sideskirts for a 93 teg…2dr… if there is some pictures of what all is needed to be cut then that would be even better… so i cry out for help from the GEN2 search lords… LOL… J/P… but thanks in advance

this might help you, it’s not honda accord skirts

dont know if this will help but i bought some 97 4dr accord sideskirts for my DB1 and honestly this is the best fit. i even used the front mudguards from the same accord. you will have to get the 2dr because its shorter of course. application maybe different for you because of where you screw it.

lookin nicee!

i am rockin those on my 2dr as well. had to do some cutting and whatnot, but i got them on there.