a/c comp. compatibility

i plan on retrofiting my ac system to r134 after my compressor died recently. i plan on using the dc2 comp. and receiver drier. my question is will the compressor from the b18b bolt up and work?

whitewater wisconsin? wow.
I’m from not too far north, FDL.

as far as I’ve read you need to replace the drier with a new/unused one, and supposed to use new seals and a new accumulator because it holds A LOT of the old r12 that is still in the system.

to be honest here i don’t even know wtf an accumulator is or how to change it, i just happened to do some reading on our car’s ac & r12 to r134a/freeze12 retrofits very recently because I had my own A/C stop blowing cold when summer hit. just needed a recharge but i will probably vac it and refill.

since you are opening the system in order to change the compressor, I would probably advise you to at least do the seals and drier, and pull a vacuum before filling with r134a too, a shop should do it cheap enough if you don’t have a vac pump.
if you do have a vac pump, see if it will hold a vacuum (check for leaks) before you fill it with r134a. otherwise, have the shop do it maybe?

I’m not entirely sure about compressor but i think it will be ok long as it fits the way it’s supposed to, i don’t see any mention on using a non-stock one for the retrofit/conversion.
did some of that reading here: http://www.hondaclub.com/forum/articles/3734-how-change-your-c-system-r12-r134a.html

I still need to do a retrofit on my wife’s Celica, but the system has been down for so long that i don’t know if there’s anything physically wrong with it or not.
I know it holds pressure but I don’t know if its just too low to let the compressor kick in (low pressure cutoff valve if it has one), or if there is actually something wrong with the compressor.
I will probably just get 1 can of 134a and do a purge on the system to see if it will work at all, if not I’m not spending the cash/time on it.

anyway good luck and let us know how it goes.

while the dc pump will bolt up and pulley will be properly positioned, i don’t think that the dc compressor ports will line up the same as a da’s. you’d probably have to use some of the lines from a dc. you’re best off just using the compressor designed for your vehicle.
it’s actually advised that the receiver/dryer and expansion valve be changed whenever servicing the a/c. the receiver holds a desiccant bag which removes moisture from the refrigerant. when retrofitting, this must be changed as it holds oil not compatible with r134.
at the very very least, pull the expansion valve out and clean any debris off.
some say that all r12 o rings should be replaced with updated o rings suitable for r134 when retrofitting. because the r134 molecules are smaller, it’s said that there is a possibility of leaks with the older o rings. although most people i’ve talked to haven’t had problems with the old ones when retrofitting.
make sure to use an oil equipped with a uv dye. this will be useful in detecting leaks in the future. because the vacuum test is not a definite leak check. leaks can occur under pressure that won’t show up under vacuum

thanks for the info guys. ive checked the DC and DA pumps side by side and they are very similar externally. ill update if i go ahead with this project