a/c fan comes on with engine off

I just bought a 90 db1 and i noticed the a/c fan under the hood comes on when i shut the car off can that possibly be a stuck relay or something? I turn it to run and the fan shuts off. But right when i take the key out the fan turns back on

Is this constant, in hot weather, the ECM turns on the fan to ward off heat soaking of the engine which will allow temps to rise because of lack of circulation, let the car sit for 10 mins with the fan off see if it it shuts off by itself.

This is normal for DAs, it will run for a few then turn off. You should monitor how long it takes so it doesn’t drain your battery. But you should be ok

its trying to tell you its boost ready or wants to be tubod since it acts like a turbo timer.

Beto is correct, that is perfectly normal. If you turn the car off when engine oil temp is greater than a certain amount the fan will turn on for a little while. Unless it’s not turning itself off, it’s nothing to be worried about.
