A/C shorten engine life

Does having the A/C on shorten the engine life???

as far as i know a/c affects your mileage
and its like carrying the weight of 2 extra people

nah dont worry about it. i can barely feel the parasitic drag when i turn it on. i dont have a problem with running the a/c on 24/7. car makers wouldnt have it any other way. the extra strain is so minute, advancing timing or any other mod would have an effect 100x greater. more like wearing a heavier shoe which weighs on the pedal more.

Originally posted by XDEep
nah dont worry about it. i can barely feel the parasitic drag when i turn it on. i dont have a problem with running the a/c on 24/7. car makers wouldnt have it any other way. the extra strain is so minute, advancing timing or any other mod would have an effect 100x greater. more like wearing a heavier shoe which weighs on the pedal more.

nah, after advancing my timing (18 deg), I would have to say that the loss from a/c is just as much, if not more than, the gains from the advanced timing. In other words, a stock car with the a/c off would be just as fast, if not faster than, an advanced timing car with a/c on.

Theoretically, yes.
Practically, no.


speaking of which, i am pretty sure i gained 20+ miles per tank with advanced timing and 91 than with stock and 87. ive been taking note over the past few months, going back and forth several times over a few weeks at a time. a/c included during daily driving…

the 20+ miles coincides with what ive read from other peoples experience with hondas and advanced timing. i think it was at the honda/acura club site.