a video i made


hey everyone this is a video i made with pic’s off da’s from this forum plus my own car i hope everybody like’s it

Nice Vid i saw my car twice thanks.

I want my 12min back man. Not one pic of my ride?.:pupeyes:

Nice clip though

12 min is a bit on the long side… I didn’t watch the whole thing.

That being said, there are some nice cars in there. Good stuff.

yea 12min is long but i couldn’t left a pic behind . thnx

the video will be removed and i will post a new 1 some error i found

great video. i guess you drive DB1? 4door FTW

da7 4 door

Nice vid.

yes. very nice vid. u can only tell u own a four door. need more two doors. didnt c my ride either.lol
but jus to say thanx for postin a vid of tegs from OUR site. versus the web.

cool video saw a super quick one of mine in the back ground before the color change

mabye slow it down a little??? lol

there was a slow down version actually but it was 12.mins thats long

dam makes me want to build a 4dr db…