
Just Wanted to Let Ya’ll Know My Dad just Bought a '71 Silver 240Z and it’s Strictly Bad-Ass !

But What I’m Really Wondering is What Does TTT and IMHO Mean? I Figured Out What Bump and Archivethis do, but I’m Still Clueless about the Other Two. Maybe I should Search, but Search Always Gives Me Threads with the Words in the Title or Posts and NEVER What I’m Actually Looking for :stuck_out_tongue: :up: :smiley:

to the top

in my own oponion

ttt = to the top (same thing as bumping a thread up)

IMHO = in my humble opinion

IMO = in my opinion

Mlgnott = my legs get numb on the toilet

Originally posted by JETSWU87

in my own oponion [/B]

IMOO??? i’m not a cow… hehehehehe

Originally posted by 92GS-R

MOO??? i’m not a cow… hehehehehe [/B]


:frowning: tony makes vincent sad

gosh darn it when i wrote that i even thought hey wait a minute lol
:tsk: :tsk:

Thanks Guys, Now this Site Should Make a Little More Sense :ok:

Originally posted by elemnt21

WOT? [/B]
i like that one!

WOT =wide open throttle to me.