? about speakers and DVD player

I have some really nice JL VR 5.25" speakers in my Jetta which I want to put in my Integra but I have been informed that Integra speakers are 6.25" all around. Can I make them fit or is it just a waste of my time? Anyone done this before?


I think I can get a handle on a decent DVD HU, you know, the ones that flip up. Now, I was looking at the location of my current HU today and I noticed that it is right under the over-hang of the climate controls and all that. If the TV screen flips up, it will hit the climate control housing and not work properly. Can I mount the HU in the empty space bellow where the stock head unit goes?


well i know for the rear the speakers are 6.5", if you did some fabrication im sure theres a way to hook them up. ive personally never done it, but i bet i could. it’ll probably take some time and imagination.

as for the head unit, most if not all in dash flip ups have an angle adjuster, so you can adjust the angle of the screen. if you put the pocket about the unit, yes you could mount it below, but visibilty might not be so good. i’ve seen some people moutn it where the vents go.

you could mount it below your deck but it would suck, just think you’re watching a video and stop to talk to someone, you need to turn it down but the screens in the way,now you gotta either angle the screen down to get at the volume or dig for your CD Player remote. It sucks. Best way is to have the DVD player above the CD, put the CD player in the empty DIN slot. That gives you full control while still watching vid’s.

Yes it has an angle adjuster, but to have good visibility it pretty much has to be angled 100% back, what I did was pull the 2 decks out like an inch, stagger them with the DVD player slightly in front of the CD player, then you need some backstrapping and strap it in there. A little electrical tape to hide the metal sides of your decks and it’s mint.

I’ll try and get you some pics.

Yeah, pictures would be awesome thansk

Re: ? about speakers and DVD player

[QUOTE]Originally posted by 1991gs
[B]I have some really nice JL VR 5.25" speakers in my Jetta which I want to put in my Integra but I have been informed that Integra speakers are 6.25" all around. Can I make them fit or is it just a waste of my time? Anyone done this before?

i put some 6by 9s in my teg. it really wasnt that hard. just take a hack saw am make them fit. if you arent very clean with it, you wont be able to see it because that top portion covers the whole thing. it didnt take me very long to do. sounds better too.

Sh*t I just posted a similar topic about the flip out dvd deck. Only im looking to get the deck that plays everything so ill only need that one. May I can jus put the bin ontop and put the deck under, gots to have a place for my wallet.

Yeah please post pics.

good luck finding a DVD player/Radio Tuner/amp all in one, it’ll be tough.

I think thre’s one company that makes them, not sure of the name, let us know how it turns out!

try and get some pics today…

There are a few that have everything
My choice the Panasonic vad9200u and the other one i was looking at the Kenwood kvt911 (doesnt play mp3 and 1/2" smaller screen, plus side it touch screen).

I love the Panasonic has many viewing angles side to side up down it even comes out more which will probably help with the whole ac thing getting in the way.

A list of what the panasonic vad 9200 has right out of the box.
7" Auto Flip up
DVD-Video/CD Player & MP3 Playback
5 Channel (45wx4+35w) High Power Amp
Dolby Digital & DTS Decoder (2channel downmix)
TV Tuner
AM/FM Tuner
6 Preouts
Video Capture (For Wall papers)

The little Sh*t has everything I could ever want.

That panasonic does look cool, how much are you paying for it?

I got my pionneer for about $1100 US, the panasonic’s MSRP is $2500, i still think it’d be cooler to get the DVD player($1100) and a deck($300) and mount them together. In the end it’s cheaper and looks cooler. It’s cool at night with all the green lights.

here’s some pics, you can’t really tell but both decks are pulled out(forward) about an inch to clear the console.

it’s too bad I couldn’t get the Camera at night, everything looks so much better.

you can see I pulled it out JUST enoguh to clear the console, i think there’s about 1mm of clearance here…

in this shot you can almost see the electrical tape, my DVD player came with a cloth-like tape, so that’s layer #1, after that there’s electrical tape. In this shot you can really only see the cloth-like tape.

another shot, showing how it’s been pulled forward.


And a shot of the Shiva…

I’m redoing the whole sub install, I fuct it up, I think my ports have leaks around the edges. Sub sounds really good wehn you’re inside the car, but you can barely here anything except rattling when you’re outside the car. I’m gonna go sealed to make my life easier.

Both the kenwood and panasonic go for about 2,400. Im trying to get a hook up on the panasonic, been told I can get it for $1000 brand new in the box.:slight_smile:

that’s pretty cool if you could pick it up for that price,

I’m just wondering how you’re gonna mount it, with the 2 decks you can’t tell at all that they’ve been pulled out, but if you only had one deck, and your DIN, it would look terrible, because the DIN would be like an inch behind the deck, it would be so obvious that the decks been pulled forward.

The heater vents would be sweet, but then you’d have to worry about cops spottin your screen. Not to mention your heater vents would now be destroyed.

I think it would look ok, I plan on getting it put in where the bin is now and moving the bin up one. So it will have more room when it opens up. Also maybe just a 1/2" out to give it more room to tilt back , for better viewing. All this I have to see when I get the deck. The panasonic also has a mode where the screen comes out towards you, im sure that will help too.