ABS Plastic front lip ( Mugen STYLE)

Is there such thing for our car? I got the JDP carbon fiber lip and its already crack from hitting just a small rock on the road. im looking for something more durable. If there isn’t one they should make one. It’s just a suggestion.=) what do you guys think??

iono if you knew this but ABS plastic isnt stronger than CF…

I think so. Carbon fiber is shitty, looks ugly, and even cracks with old age.

If they made a JDP lip in ABS plastic, I’d buy it too.

ABS is no stronger than CF

NO stronger, just alot better.

ABS plastic might not be stronger than carbon fiber but i think they are more flexible than CF and easier to fix if they do break. anyways, thanks for all the responses guys, maybe one day someone will produce this for our cars.

but when those ABS lips break(well from the pics ove seen here) they pretty much shatter

I have the Wings West Mugen STYLE front lip. It is made of “ABS Plastic” I think. It is extremely flexible and durable, so it will survive being scraped and hit numerous time. Check it out, http://www.wingswest.com/products_detail.asp?page=1&id=2

my bad guys. i was talking about SPOON style not mugen style. I edited my post on top. You all know JDP makes spoon style lip but in carbon fiber. I think it’d be nice if they make it in different material, anything thats flexible and durable.