AC swapped for analternator?

I was wondering if anyone has swapped there AC compressor for another alternator? my AC is dead and the guy at the AC shop told me it’d be $1000 to fix the compressor and all the leaks.

So instead of fixing it I was thinking of replacing it with a 16V alternator to run my battery bank. Any ideas?

For $1000 it must be a new compressor, and a R134A retro-fit.

A new compressor, $300-$400 max.
Filter/dryer, less then $50.
Service ports, less then $30.
Expansion valve, less then $50.
R134A refrigerant, less then $30.
Shop material, $25.

The rest is labour.

I would do it for $900 CDN.

However, if current, [power] is what you need, [more then A/C] pull all the A/C out and install an alt., a little fabrication, [mounting brackets] and very little wiring and your there, and probably at less then $1000.

More then a few times over the years I have used the compressor location to add a 2nd alt. to power audio systems. 94