Accord rear lip

Ive seen many pics of ppls G2’s that already have them installed, But ive never seen an actual write up on how to do it.

Does anyone know where I could find one if there is one, I have already searched and couldnt find anything.

Anyone whos done it can you post up how to do it or where to cut. I already have the lips. I just dont know where to cut and how to hang or secure them to my bumper.

Sorry if there was a write up already, I might not be asking the right question, but I cant seem to find it and Ive been searching for about 30 minutes.

Thanks in advance for all the help.


I would also like to know whether or not it will work with 90-91 or 92-93 bumpers…

Scavenged a three-piece rear lip and a pair of side skirts from a 97 Accord last Saturday from the junkyard while it was pouring like hell. Will try working on it this weekend provided it doesn’t pour again. Thought of getting G3 sideskirts but couldn’t find a wrecked G3 in the yard. Saw a couple of EK with missing sideskirts but wasn’t interested in them even if they were there since the front of the EK side skirts tend to flare out. The 97 Accord skirts are straight though a bit long for the G2 so some cutting and moulding would have to be done.

Will post developments as they happen.

Hmmm, no one here that has already done it wanna post up where they cut, how they mounted them and some more pointers?

I have the 94 accord rear lip, the 3 piece one, but I dont know how to mount it, the cutting it down part is pretty self explanatory, cut the excess plastic off. But the top part where it mounted to the accord rear bumper, do I cut that off or do I keep them and use that to mount it to the G2 or 90-91 rear bumper?

Theres alot of stuff thats in the grey area. It seems pretty straight forward but then you dont want to start cutting and screw up and have to redo it all.

I’ve got the 94 Accord rear lip as well, it was going to be put on my 88 Lude but I haven’t bothered since the car doesn’t I have held it up to my Teggy and it appears to need about as much work/cutting as the Lude would. There’s a write-up @ about this and the steps should get you where you need to go.

On the same subject…I picked up a 1g Teggy front lip earlier this week that was meant for the front of my Lude but after holding that lip up to the rear of the Teggy, it seems a better fit than the Accord lip AND it matches the real oem Teggy front lip much better. I will be attempting the install the first week of August and if successful I will post pics and include a write-up.

im done already, ive been done this install for about 3 weeks now. It looks sick, id suggest doing it for anyone who like making shit work.

WE NEED PICS!!! Please put some up and add a write up of course. Also, I need to know how it would fit on a 93 ls teg. Also want to see about the gen 1 teg lip.:gotpics:

^ Like I said, I’ll have pics after 1st week of August (thats when I go on vacation:burnout: ). I’m sure as far as fitment that it should fit your Teggy as well as any other 2g. I would like to see a pic of Da90Ls’s install tho.

I dont have a digi, but ill find out some way to get pics up. Ill ask my sister if I can use hers.

Rockin.:rockon: Can’t wait to see um. :cross:

Ok im using my bros g/f’s camera tonoght, tired using it today while they were out but couldnt get it to work right. Ill post up pics asap.

Ok finally got around to taking the pics. The lip is dirty cuz I havnt washed my car in 2 months. But this is pretty much what it looks like. I didnt use a heat gun to make it maliable enough to hold the same shape as my rear bumper, so it doesnt fit perfectly. I just used self tapping screws and theyve been holding it on for awhile now. If you use a heat gun Im sure it will look better cuz there will be no gap compared to my 1/16th inch gap

its kinda hard to see but heres a day shot of with the lip and a night shot w/o it.

and i just had to throw this in cuz i like this angle on the 90-91 fronts.

Looks tight man! Good job. How bout a right up? I wanna do this to my 93 LS and get some mugen replica sides, with a Password JDM lip. I was just gonna get the lip, but I think with the lines on that rear lip I’ll give it a try. Thanks alot man. :bow: :burnout: :manual:

It wouldnt look as good on a 92-93 rear bumper cuz they already have a flare on the bumper and it would flare out then the accord lip would either stick outwar or point down. Id say get a 90-91 rear and do it on that. Ill work on the write up tonight.

Thank you for posting the pics, it seriously looks tight as hell.:rockon:
I’m so ready to put my lip on & then I can post the pics. It’ll be interesting to see the differences between your lip and mine.
BTW, Da90Ls did you take your bumper off to do this? I’m assuming yes, but just want to know for sure.

Yea I did.

hey josh i your car looks sick as shit!! i thought that you were getting a black hood from the guy that you got your hatch from???

Yea I was supposed to, but havnt heard from him in over 4 months. I think hes in Kuwait right now. He was flying over there to see his G/F, whos in the army. Or ex-g/f.

this is my g2

Would the accord lip work on a 4Dr?

Noob question :frowning: