After Tranny install, clutch doesn't grab as hard anymore

well, I took off my tranny cause it needed new bearigns inside the tranny housing, I have motor mount inserts and stage 1 clutch kit. before taking it off, shifting to second with any kinda agressive driving it would BANG and grab suepr hard, shaking the car apart, broke my radar detector mounts(that’s an examle of how hard it shakes), same with 3rd gear jsut not as intense and slowly it woudl fade and not bang as hard. it woudl really do the harsh grab before if I am ripping it, like way into vtec kinda in my b16. anyways, after reinstallnig tranny with same kit, aligned clutch, etc etc, i went for a few rips. and whenevr I shfit to 2nd egar like i used to, ti doen’t grab enarly as hard! it is suepr smooth compared to before, it doesn’t seem like it’s slipping. there is jsut no harsh grab where it shakes the car. even my stock clutch in my old b18A with mouunt isnerts grabbed really hard too. now it grabs soft, but still grabs on. kinda weird. going into 3rd gear it still kinda grabs hard but not as hard as before. it still grabs the same (I THINK) it jsut doesn’t have that hard shaknig kidna grab. anyone ahve any ideas? I accidentally turned the adjustment thing on the clutch cable a few tiems but turned it back to what I thought it was, coudl taht be it? or maybe something else like try adjusting my clutch cable at the tranny?

EDIT: Sry for my messy typing, I try to type too fast and it gets sloppy. :smiley:

yes… Adjust that knob!! that will help alot. I’m not sure wich way though. When it’s perfect you should feel a little play in the clutch pedal.

correct me if i’m wrong but thats the clutch adjustment cable, which changes the engagement point of the clutch. So if you set it to grab higher up, you’re not going to get as much grab as if its set lower to the floor…
Again correct me if im wrong but I think thats what happened :slight_smile: