altezza taillight idea... rice or not?

i saw this car here in Japan when i was hunting for some junkyards. well it has this all red-colored taillights and the length was almost as long as our tegs. so im like, ok looks kewl… until he hit the brakes and theres like 2 red circles inside the tailights, i mean use your imagination guys if this is done with those ricey altezza taillights… especially nighttime… hella sick for me… someone might have did this already and if they did… PICS PLEASE!

there is some dude in my parking lot with those on a 3g teg. at first i thought they looked ok, but then saw they were alteeza’s up close. what is wrong with stock? lights serve a function.

i’ve seen some for g3 and g4 with all red crystal clear altezza. They look pretty cool i personally like it and if they do have em for our DA then i’ll definitly buy a set. Its ugly to paint the altezza with your own hobby store paint to make red altezza cause it doesn’t have the shinny gloss and of course it will always turn out blurry and dole. I say it looks cool on a g2 to have crystal red altezza if they do make em for the DA and not making them yourself.

Originally posted by 5speed
i’ve seen some for g3 and g4 with all red crystal clear altezza. They look pretty cool i personally like it and if they do have em for our DA then i’ll definitly buy a set. Its ugly to paint the altezza with your own hobby store paint to make red altezza cause it doesn’t have the shinny gloss and of course it will always turn out blurry and dole. I say it looks cool on a g2 to have crystal red altezza if they do make em for the DA and not making them yourself.

i bought some red paint specifically for taillights… here in Japan. i mean why would’nt it be shiny if you paint the taillights from the inside like those plastic RC cars right?.. i would definitely do this project when i go back to Hawaii…