alright guys, I’ve been looking around the forum about the CB5 94-97 accord sideskirts and front/rear lips. They look nice on our cars and I think that’s what I’m gonna roll in (versus buying that overpriced TypeR lip). My neighbor is about to sell his 94 accord LX sedan for cheap and asked me to replace a few parts on it, I figure I’ll rob the lips and get some cash for the deal.
None of the threads specifiy between coupe and sedan accords so I’m guessing you guys are modding out sedan side skirts? Any other parts that I need to rob while I’m at it? Think donor car will still look alright for sale without the black lips?
If I get this project going I’ll be sure to give you guys a full writeup.
First of all, it will be noticable, very. Also, if you have a 2-door, I suggest you get the 94-97 Accord 2-door (CD5 btw), also try to hit a junkyard, they shouldn’t be expensive… I recently changed my buddie’s front lip and painted his sideskirts on his CD5, and without the lip and sides the difference is huge.
CD5, you’re correct - I knew that and don’t know why I put CB5 (gotta blame that prior generation for warping me). Finding a 2 door accord in the junkyards in this area will be tough to find. As a matter of fact, finding any accord (make that any honda in general) in a junkyard in my area is hard to find. I live in a very mexican dominated area and hondas are a sought after car (especially the accords 90-97). I will try and hit up my connections (my mexican friends who trade cars) but I think that it’s going to be a needle in a hay stack for me.
What I have in front of me is a 94 sedan CD5 that I can rob for free. Will it be that hard to actually mod them to fit? I have no problems cutting and mending plastic. I can whip out the heat gun if need be also.
^^same here.
I just wanna see how and where you mount the holes, so I can slap on this 94-95 Accord Spoon lip next year on my DB1.
My Type-R lip is cracked.
I wanna put the Stock rear lip on too, but it looks harder than it is.
I also have a 94-95 Accord Mugen rear lip, but the exhaust opening is on the wrong side. It might be too much work.
okay I have all the accord lips in the garage. It’s gonna be a couple of months before I get all my body work done and car painted. I guess I’ll do a writeup so all you guys can see for yourself.
There will be necessary modification done to the parts, cutting and maybe a little of mending.
The rears were a bitch to get off. You have to take a 10mm wrench and just scrape your hands up to get them off (they are up under the lip, bolts are going down into the car).
On my EX it was, but on my LX it was easier. I dont know why, unless the previous owner took some crap off.
There was no big plastic gaurd in the middle like the EX had.
I was wondering the same thing (CB7 Sedan Sideskirts), only thing I did was measure them and they’re practically the same lenght as the 94-97 Accord Sedan’s wich fit our DB1’s with minor mods… Dont know if the would mount easily since they are kinda curved… I’ll see if I can try one on out of my cousin’s cb…
I have an 94-97 Accord EX front lip for sale…Unmodded with everything intact includes bolts…shoot me an offer…