Really? “Semi Automatic, Military Style” rifle.
Stupid Journalists bother me.
Really? “Semi Automatic, Military Style” rifle.
Stupid Journalists bother me.
when you’re of the mentality that “normal people” shouldn’t have anything other than a blackpowder for hunting, then yes…everything is “military-style”…because only the police and military “need” them.
my question is, why do the police and military “need” them if nobody else is supposed to have them?
Because all the people that SHOULDN’T have them, DO have them. What makes politicians think they will regulate criminal use of “Military-style” weapons? If someone is wanting to actually buy a rifle like this in order to kill (not merely for protection), that person will not be buying it from a gun store with a background check or registration. Just my .02.
The deed would have been done, with or without a gun. The intent to kill was present. As to what sparked the intent…
What would drive a kid to massacre his entire family?
Killing is hard. Even the average person would not wish death upon his worst enemy. The lives of many are heavily impacted by the loss of one.
Gun control is a simple solution set to tackle a complex issue. Simple solutions rarely work against complex and multifaceted problems.
an ar-15 is a glorified .22 lol…i dont get why everyone hates them so much
sweet, let’s shoot you with one and then shoot you with a 10/22 and see if the damage left is similar.
ETA: here’s a little ballistics comparison.
.223 shoots a 55-grain projectile at right around 3200 feet per second. That translates to just a cunt-hair under 2000 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle.
.22LR shoots a 40-grain projectile at an astronomical 1235 feet per second. That yields a whopping 135 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle.
You were saying something about the .223 being “just” a glorified .22? Do expound upon how you arrive at that conclusion. Bore diameter isn’t everything. By that rationale, a .50-caliber blackpowder is nothing more than a slightly toned-down .50BMG.
[QUOTE=armedferret;2284406]sweet, let’s shoot you with one and then shoot you with a 10/22 and see if the damage left is similar.
ETA: here’s a little ballistics comparison.
.223 shoots a 55-grain projectile at right around 3200 feet per second. That translates to just a cunt-hair under 2000 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle.
.22LR shoots a 40-grain projectile at an astronomical 1235 feet per second. That yields a whopping 135 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle.
You were saying something about the .223 being “just” a glorified .22? Do expound upon how you arrive at that conclusion. Bore diameter isn’t everything. By that rationale, a .50-caliber blackpowder is nothing more than a slightly toned-down .50BMG.[/QUOTE]
You’re such an f’ing nerd.
OFC it comes from the “Huffington Post” the king of all liberal drama news… SMH
hell lets ban cars while we are at it… they kill more people than guns do…
Sad part is that this is nothing that doesn’t happen all over america daily… there are always shootings going on, just media hype over the newtown incident followed by the pressy & vice drummin their war drums… just crap man all crap crap crap…