Not really…but, I already know my problem about why my sunroof sometimes open and easily closes. From having a bad switch. Although, to change the switch, I’m curious on how you actually pop it off…just pry it out? Or would I have to go through the agony of taking the cluster off…(I don’t know why my sunroof likes to open when it feels like it)
if you can get a good grip on it, you could just pull it out. or you can manage to fit your hand up in there, take off the plastic cover by your knees and reach up there and push it out
Get two butter knives, slide them along side the switch and press in then slide it out. Try not to booger up your dash, but this is the easiest way to do it. You have to use a little bit of force even though it does seem liek you shouldn’t.
Thanks for the info:up:
Got that sucker out with the butterknife technique…and the whole wiring is all rusted out, somehow.
No problem dude, glad I could help! It shouldn’t be too hard to rewire that stuff, but I do not know how it all got rusted in the firist place?
Passenger side leak, same as the common ‘floor leak’, probably. The water runs along the wires before it drips down.