I’ve been rolling around without antenna for far too long. My original one was ripped off before I got it. I am ready to order a replacement one but I do not know if I have a power or non power one. My catalog is listing both. Does someone know or if there is someplace to check without tearing into the trunk lining? I’m not seeing a switch anywhere and I don’t have the factory deck anymore if that makes a difference.
Sorry, I can’t be sure but I have never seen a G2 with anything but a power ant.
Try this…
In the radio wire harness find the white/blue lead, [radio memory, hot at all times] test it by touching it to the red/black, [illumination] if the fuse for the white/blue, [fuse 14 - 15A] is good, the dash lights will light up when you touch the white/blue to the red/black, if so, touch the white/blue to the yellow/white, [power ant. control lead] if you can hear the motor run till it stops and then when you disconnect the white/blue from the yellow/white you hear it again for a bit until it stops, first you obviously have a power ant. but better, it works and all you need to do is get a replacement mast. 94
I like that look, updates it a bit.
My main concern is making the original one look better. I did confirm that it is powered. I do like your idea but as a personal preference I would prefer to shave and paint the original hole witch I am not up to at the moment. I have fairly good original paint and it would be difficult to blend the color, especially with the curvature of the metal.
I’ll probably take the easier route for now and go with this unless I find another option.