Any Indiana or Kentcky guys/girls on here???

I will when I get a chance. It might be a few days though.

Okay sounds good, I check this site daily and multiple times a day. LOL

Here are a few pics. I realize that the car doesn’t look too bad but it’s enough to irritate me.

If I had time to take off the front bumper you could see where the previous owner ran over something and curled the lower support which in turn bent the beam (whatever it’s called) that the hood latch is attached to and curled the upper support as well.

Okay, that is not as bad as I thought it was lol. Yeah if you are wanting to cut and weld I know a guy, If you want a body shop I know one with good prices, although I am dropping my car off in the morning. And it is the first time the shop is doing any work for me I can let ya know how it goes.

It doesn’t look as bad as I thought once I looked at the pics, however the passenger headlight points down no matter how much I adjust it and the caster is off. I wonder if 1 piece headlights adjust the bulb in the housing as opposed to the whole housing like the usdm oem ones do. If they do I might just put some one pieces on and some accord radius rods to fix the caster. More of a band aid than an actual fix but money is tight these days.

No I hear ya all my extra cash right now is going into the teg, I need exhaust bad, right now I am rocking that home made swag yo lol

I live in Latonia Ky… just sigmed up on this forum was wondering if theres a welcome forum for newbs like me (:

I live in louisville ky


I’m right across the bridge from you and hb420

I’m over that way on home depot trips all the time, I was over there today lol! And chic fil a on veterans parkway. Are there any meets over there?

Idk kinda some in this area a lot of times these is a bunch of guys at the car wash over here. There are guys who meet on bartstown road a lot. I kinda have been looking for some people to meet up. Any of you all interested?

I’m down to meet up sometime, someone told me about the meets down by krispy kreme on bardstown

The guys down by Krispy kreme meet almost every weekend I think.

Yeah a week ago I was leaving a friends house and the guy from Louisville gas and electric complimented my teg and said he had a crx lol. He was the person who told me about the meets. Are they ricer meets or people who are chill and don’t do burnouts?

When I hung out it was pretty chill at least the 240 guys are some of the Honda guys seemed like ricers.

Are you going this weekend, I might cruise up there Friday… Saturday I’m going to indy for subsurface

I can but it would have to be around 11 probably idk ow late you will stay out? If you want I can give you my numb and you can text me


Send me a text if you go.

Owingsville here. Not far east of Lexington, im right by the I-64 motorplex the 8th mile track. Just moved up from FL.
My DA is thrashed and needs tons of work, been messing with it liitle by little, need to get it legal now, but prob not doing much now that winter is coming up fast.

She parked at my mother in laws house in West Virginia right now and this was the morning after Sandy hit the east coast

Sorry to hear that. Did the DA come out okay from Sandy?