Any OG guys kicking around still?

Sliding in sideways missing a tire & wheel!

Here, waiting on the website to go black and red.

It isn’t cool anymore.

wow i feel like I wasnt invited to this thread??:nana: lot of folks coming out the woodworks on this thread. next thing you know someone is going to suggest a usa meet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I recently made it back. Met Neil through here back when it was like 20 members or so I think. I think I got the integra in like 99. Had it to about close to 2002, before it got stolen. In the time I had my 91 gs, i really enjoyed it, the meets here in ca, and learning so much about the car. Certainly a memorable car.

I was telling Neil recently, I have a 2015 WRX now, enjoying it, but I was recently thinking of the old integra club and came back to say hi and see how things have been.

my profile got lost in the migration, but hey no worries, i still remember some names.


I’m posting this to see my join date.

Wow. just logged on and saw this. It’s been a while.

I miss your faces.

lol… couldn’t have said it better myself.

not OG but i used to frequent this forums. I saw a sick gsr today with the g2ic decal and it brought back memories. reading all my posts made me realize how dumb i was or still am. I drive a g35 now but still lustfully look at clean g2s.

Yeah I’m here. If I had a kid when I signed up, they’d be driving.



I did have a kid when I signed up in 01 and she is driving now. :pupeyes:

If TheJunkman ever comes around he’d lmk. He’s a old legend on here

You rang?

ring a ding ding

i’ve got a kid graduating COLLEGE next month

yup still here Kyle

i just pulled a bunch of parts off of your old db2 at shorty’s u pull it lol. Whoever owned it after you sucked as a person. It was abandoned on arch street in norristown lol

I’ve been on this site for at least 13 years. Had to re-register once.