it wont hurt to try, is there any other deaf g2 integra owners out there? im sure there is alot of them like me who loves integra too
I myself am hearing, but I’ve taken an interest in deaf culture, and in particular, deaf people and music. I’ve studied asl for a couple years, and although I’m not yet fluent, I enjoy a signed conversation whenever I get the chance.
cool awesome but come on there has to be someone who is deaf on here dont be shy lol
I myself am hearing but I sign with my little one and have been since he was was 8 months old. He is 19 months now and learning to use some words but is still signing.
is ur son hearing too? its awesome when others teach their kids asl
pardon my ignorance, what does hearing mean exactly?
He is hearing. It’s just easier for us to communicate with asl since he is limited in what he can speak.
yeah yeah learn faster that way
integra_hot, im deaf ur hearing get it? like hard of hearing