I was wondering whats the best way to take off a bumper sticker. Anyone have any tips or ideas?
heat gun and goo gone
a razor blade to works well on the 10 year old baked on ones. be careful not to cut into the clear coat.
goo gone works awesome and I love the smell! but if you cant find goo gone, WD-40 takes off the sticker residue just as well.
If you use a heat gun you have to be careful not to bubble the paint. You can do the same job with less risk using a hair dryer.
everything that contains glue can be washed out by a product called SKIN SO SOFT, yeah, this liquid the women use to make their skin so soft !
Go to an office supply/art store and find a product called Elmers Sticky out. Soak the sticky with the solution for like five minutes - it dilutes the adhesive. Just rub off the sticker and wash the car. The nice thing about this product is the liquid does not affect plastic. Some similar products melt plastic.